BTC 58.01%     ETH 8.83%

8结果页面按市值排名的F1 Partnership顶级加密货币

发现F1 Partnership类代币的表现度量
F1 Partnership (4155)
最后价格 24h%
7d chart
市值 高24小时 低24小时 价格走势图7天 成交量24小时 FDV 市值 预测
# 名称 最后价格 变更24小时 市值 高24小时 低24小时 价格走势图7天 成交量24小时 FDV 市值 预测
{{ item.sort }} {{ item.name }}  {{ item.ticker }} {{ item.price }}
{{ item.price_btc }}
{{ item.change_24h_pct }}
{{ item.market_cap }}
{{ item.market_cap_btc }}
{{ item.high_24h }}
{{ item.high_24h_btc }}
{{ item.low_24h }}
{{ item.low_24h_btc }}
{{ item.volume_24h }}
{{ item.volume_24h_btc }}
{{ item.fully_diluted_valuation }}
{{ item.fully_diluted_valuation_btc }}
{{ item.market_cap }}
{{ item.market_cap_btc }}
862 SportPoint  POINT $0.05011
0 $31.4M
SportPoint(point) 价格预测
864 Pangolin  PNG $0.1427
-15.31 $31.33M
Pangolin(png) 价格预测
865 Melon  MLN $10.38
-12.50 $31.18M
Melon(mln) 价格预测
866 Catizen  CATI $0.1506
-3.77 $31.17M
Catizen(cati) 价格预测
867 Peapods Finance  PEAS $3.06
-11.07 $30.45M
Peapods Finance(peas) 价格预测
868 Dacxi  DXI $0.001462
-4.46 $31.13M
Dacxi(dxi) 价格预测
869 Dexalot  ALOT $0.5604
-9.60 $30.87M
Dexalot(alot) 价格预测
870 Radiant Capital  RDNT $0.02567
-15.01 $31.05M
Radiant Capital(rdnt) 价格预测
873 Metacade  MCADE $0.01856
-9.75 $30.76M
Metacade(mcade) 价格预测
874 Wrapped QUIL  QUIL $0.03391
-13.26 $30.76M
Wrapped QUIL(quil) 价格预测
875 ParaSwap  PSP $0.01972
-11.37 $30.49M
ParaSwap(psp) 价格预测
877 CargoX  CXO $0.1831
-7.47 $30.57M
CargoX(cxo) 价格预测
878 IX Swap  IXS $0.1686
-21.37 $30.64M
IX Swap(ixs) 价格预测
880 Travala.com  AVA $0.5217
-16.67 $30.15M
Travala.com(ava) 价格预测
881 Groestlcoin  GRS $0.3464
-10.88 $30.18M
Groestlcoin(grs) 价格预测
882 Dego Finance  DEGO $1.44
-10.21 $30.21M
Dego Finance(dego) 价格预测
883 Stader MaticX  MATICX $0.2729
-16.22 $30.39M
Stader MaticX(maticx) 价格预测
884 Gearbox  GEAR $0.003034
-12.82 $30.35M
Gearbox(gear) 价格预测
885 Platypus USD  USP $0.339
0 $22.19M
Platypus USD(usp) 价格预测
886 bemo Staked TON  STTON $3.2
-10.11 $29.75M
bemo Staked TON(stton) 价格预测
887 嫩模币  OMG $0.2129
-10.82 $29.92M
嫩模币(omg) 价格预测
889 Firmachain  FCT $0.03054
-14.41 $29.5M
Firmachain(fct) 价格预测
890 StorX  SRX $0.05897
0.90 $29.67M
StorX(srx) 价格预测
891 MATH  MATH $0.1627
-14.26 $29.6M
MATH(math) 价格预测
893 Automata  ATA $0.05225
-16.91 $29.44M
Automata(ata) 价格预测
894 Bitrise Token  BRISE $0.00000007473
-7.33 $29.63M
Bitrise Token(brise) 价格预测
895 Sai  SAI $10.95
-15.59 $29.44M
Sai(sai) 价格预测
896 ELYSIA  EL $0.004299
-10.06 $29.25M
ELYSIA(el) 价格预测
897 TomoChain  VIC $0.244
-15.34 $29.36M
TomoChain(vic) 价格预测
898 Pirate Chain  ARRR $0.1497
-12.02 $29.4M
Pirate Chain(arrr) 价格预测
900 Mossland  MOC $0.06835
-15.20 $29.03M
Mossland(moc) 价格预测
901 Litentry  LIT $0.6424
14.90 $29.23M
Litentry(lit) 价格预测
902 Milady Meme Coin  LADYS $0.00000003266
-16.84 $29.16M
Milady Meme Coin(ladys) 价格预测
904 ARPA  ARPA $0.02928
-14.71 $28.84M
ARPA(arpa) 价格预测
905 Aquarius  AQUA $0.0008657
-11.38 $28.83M
Aquarius(aqua) 价格预测
909 LTO Network  LTO $0.06518
-16.83 $28.48M
LTO Network(lto) 价格预测
910 BitMEX  BMEX $0.286
-6.93 $28.55M
BitMEX(bmex) 价格预测
911 GoGoPool  GGP $3.94
-26.70 $28.56M
GoGoPool(ggp) 价格预测
912 sUSD (Optimism)  SUSD $0.976
-0.26 $28.53M
sUSD (Optimism)(susd) 价格预测
913 ALEX Lab  ALEX $0.03465
-13.51 $28.52M
ALEX Lab(alex) 价格预测
914 Shadow Token  SHDW $0.1763
-10.08 $28.53M
Shadow Token(shdw) 价格预测
915 Token Pocket  TPT $0.00818
-6.61 $28.39M
Token Pocket(tpt) 价格预测
917 Crown by Third Time Games  CROWN $0.1161
-20.34 $28.22M
Crown by Third Time Games(crown) 价格预测
918 Stafi  FIS $0.1848
-9.19 $28.05M
Stafi(fis) 价格预测
922 Hypurr Fun  HFUN $27.82
-21.09 $27.86M
Hypurr Fun(hfun) 价格预测
923 Law Blocks  LBT $0.1285
-3.06 $27.78M
Law Blocks(lbt) 价格预测
924 Spectral  SPEC $1.94
-14.03 $27.49M
Spectral(spec) 价格预测
925 ANyONe Protocol  ANYONE $0.3425
-23.87 $27.51M
ANyONe Protocol(anyone) 价格预测
927 miMatic  MIMATIC $0.9991
-0.06 $27.54M
miMatic(mimatic) 价格预测
928 BasedAI  BASEDAI $0.7689
-13.03 $27.46M
BasedAI(basedai) 价格预测
929 ORIGYN  OGY $0.003094
-13.88 $27.47M
ORIGYN(ogy) 价格预测
930 Tethereum  T99 $0.02881
0 $27.46M
Tethereum(t99) 价格预测
934 REI Network  REI $0.02778
-17.90 $27.29M
REI Network(rei) 价格预测
936 stake.link  SDL $0.4581
-17.56 $27.11M
stake.link(sdl) 价格预测
937 SafeMoon  SFM $0.00006823
28.57 $25.46M
SafeMoon(sfm) 价格预测
938 ankrETH  ANKRETH $2,464.2
-12.08 $27.03M
ankrETH(ankreth) 价格预测
939 Pocket Network  POKT $0.01592
-11.68 $26.94M
Pocket Network(pokt) 价格预测
940 META  META $1,262.54
-13.75 $26.36M
META(meta) 价格预测
941 IDEX  IDEX $0.02889
-13.30 $26.78M
IDEX(idex) 价格预测
942 Agoric  BLD $0.03972
0.37 $26.7M
Agoric(bld) 价格预测
943 Perpetual Protocol  PERP $0.3656
-17.89 $26.59M
Perpetual Protocol(perp) 价格预测
944 HOPR  HOPR $0.0577
-6.15 $26.72M
HOPR(hopr) 价格预测
945 Hegic  HEGIC $0.02454
-8.60 $26.47M
Hegic(hegic) 价格预测
946 Euro Tether  EURT $1.04
0.94 $26.54M
947 NAVI Protocol  NAVX $0.05731
-18.56 $26.53M
NAVI Protocol(navx) 价格预测
948 SX Network  SX $0.04724
-17.83 $26.42M
SX Network(sx) 价格预测
949 Wojak  WOJAK $0.0003768
-13.25 $26.34M
Wojak(wojak) 价格预测
951 Ice Open Network  ICE $0.003851
-9.36 $26.19M
Ice Open Network(ice) 价格预测
952 VeraOne  VRO $91.12
-1.54 $26.04M
VeraOne(vro) 价格预测
953 Star Atlas  ATLAS $0.001422
-12.16 $26.12M
Star Atlas(atlas) 价格预测
954 Polkastarter  POLS $0.2627
-5.27 $26.11M
Polkastarter(pols) 价格预测
955 Sleepless AI  AI $0.199
-17.55 $25.99M
Sleepless AI(ai) 价格预测
956 Compound Dai  CDAI $0.02437
-0.10 $26M
Compound Dai(cdai) 价格预测
957 SideShift Token  XAI $0.1779
1.49 $25.68M
SideShift Token(xai) 价格预测
958 Quantum Resistant Ledger  QRL $0.3239
-3.85 $25.44M
Quantum Resistant Ledger(qrl) 价格预测
960 Sentinel Protocol  BOUNTY $0.05029
-13.21 $25.46M
Sentinel Protocol(bounty) 价格预测
961 Vertex  VRTX $0.05704
-6.30 $25.27M
Vertex(vrtx) 价格预测
962 A Hunters Dream  CAW $0.00000003945
-13.99 $25.22M
A Hunters Dream(caw) 价格预测
963 Rarible  RARI $1.37
-7.30 $24.96M
Rarible(rari) 价格预测
964 Pups (Bitcoin)  PUPS $0.0249
-21.05 $25.03M
Pups (Bitcoin)(pups) 价格预测
965 ECOx  ECOX $0.05055
-6.33 $24.98M
ECOx(ecox) 价格预测
966 Nakamoto Games  NAKA $0.3798
-20.48 $24.87M
Nakamoto Games(naka) 价格预测
967 Reef  REEF $0.0006037
-1.31 $24.86M
Reef(reef) 价格预测
968 SuperWalk GRND  GRND $0.04297
-3.51 $24.7M
SuperWalk GRND(grnd) 价格预测
969 Plxyer  PLXY $0.01823
3.85 $24.81M
Plxyer(plxy) 价格预测
970 Alchemix  ALCX $10.28
-15.80 $24.78M
Alchemix(alcx) 价格预测
-22.37 $24.58M
RETARDIO(retardio) 价格预测
973 Wagmi  WAGMI $0.01426
-24.18 $24.66M
Wagmi(wagmi) 价格预测
974 OX Coin  OX $0.008105
-4.47 $24.45M
OX Coin(ox) 价格预测
-5.15 $24.49M
976 IlluminatiCoin  NATI $0.0000007337
-20.86 $24.32M
IlluminatiCoin(nati) 价格预测
977 Gyroscope GYD  GYD $1
-0.02 $24.21M
Gyroscope GYD(gyd) 价格预测
979 AhaToken  AHT $0.003957
-7.84 $24.11M
AhaToken(aht) 价格预测
980 Electronic USD  EUSD $0.999
-0.20 $24.02M
Electronic USD(eusd) 价格预测
981 APX  APX $0.05442
-2.62 $23.64M
APX(apx) 价格预测
984 PinkSale  PINKSALE $237.25
3.62 $23.73M
PinkSale(pinksale) 价格预测
989 sETH  SETH $2,029.84
-11.99 $23.51M
sETH(seth) 价格预测
990 FunFair  FUN $0.002218
-14.38 $23.54M
FunFair(fun) 价格预测
991 MakerDAO Arbitrum Bridged DAI (Arbitrum One)  DAI $0.9973
-0.27 $23.59M
MakerDAO Arbitrum Bridged DAI (Arbitrum One)(dai) 价格预测
992 Clash of Lilliput  COL $0.2927
-10.40 $23.62M
Clash of Lilliput(col) 价格预测
