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按市值排名的Kommunitas Launchpad顶级加密货币

发现Kommunitas Launchpad类代币的表现度量
Kommunitas Launchpad (24)
100 Prev Next 100
最后价格 24h%
7d chart
市值 高24小时 低24小时 价格走势图7天 成交量24小时 FDV 市值 预测
# 名称 最后价格 变更24小时 市值 高24小时 低24小时 价格走势图7天 成交量24小时 FDV 市值 预测
{{ item.sort }} {{ item.name }}  {{ item.ticker }} {{ item.price }}
{{ item.price_btc }}
{{ item.change_24h_pct }}
{{ item.market_cap }}
{{ item.market_cap_btc }}
{{ item.high_24h }}
{{ item.high_24h_btc }}
{{ item.low_24h }}
{{ item.low_24h_btc }}
{{ item.volume_24h }}
{{ item.volume_24h_btc }}
{{ item.fully_diluted_valuation }}
{{ item.fully_diluted_valuation_btc }}
{{ item.market_cap }}
{{ item.market_cap_btc }}
2375 Okratech Token  ORT $0.003827
-10.12 $3.33M
Okratech Token(ort) 价格预测
3259 Blink Galaxy  GQ $0.0002113
0.23 $1.35M
Blink Galaxy(gq) 价格预测
3622 Affyn  FYN $0.002613
7.54 $968.51K
Affyn(fyn) 价格预测
4445 Vault Hill City  VHC $0.0003186
4.54 $31.14K
Vault Hill City(vhc) 价格预测
6405 SolChicks  CHICKS $0.00004292
-2.54 $88.57K
SolChicks(chicks) 价格预测
8180 Second World Games  SWIO $0.002425
-0.28 $17.03K
Second World Games(swio) 价格预测
Geopoly  GEO$ $0.00007598
4.03 $0
Geopoly(geo$) 价格预测
AgeOfGods  AOG $0.00254
-9.49 $0
AgeOfGods(aog) 价格预测
Light Year  $0.004476
0 $0
Light Year() 价格预测
DoragonLand  DOR $0.0000888
0.16 $0
DoragonLand(dor) 价格预测
Atlantis Metaverse  TAU $0.0005611
0 $0
Atlantis Metaverse(tau) 价格预测
Universe Island  UIM $0.00000385
-1.07 $0
Universe Island(uim) 价格预测
Deflyball  DEFLY $0.001019
0.14 $0
Deflyball(defly) 价格预测
The Monopolist  MONO $0.000007519
-0.84 $0
The Monopolist(mono) 价格预测
Adroverse  ADR $0.000007809
0 $0
Adroverse(adr) 价格预测
ShoeFy  SHOE $0.0008463
1.95 $0
ShoeFy(shoe) 价格预测
Second World Games  SWIO $0
0 $0
Second World Games(swio) 价格预测
The Winners Circle  HRSE $0.005796
-10.42 $0
The Winners Circle(hrse) 价格预测
Pirate x Pirate  PXP $0.000146
-0.66 $0
Pirate x Pirate(pxp) 价格预测
Arenum  ARNM $0.0004795
0 $0
Arenum(arnm) 价格预测
Metaxy  MXY $0.00007645
-1.97 $0
Metaxy(mxy) 价格预测
Earniverse  EIV $0.00002086
0 $165.14K
Earniverse(eiv) 价格预测
The Killbox Game  KBOX $0.0000232
-0.51 $0
The Killbox Game(kbox) 价格预测
Cherry Network  CHER $0.0007008
-0.84 $0
Cherry Network(cher) 价格预测
