BTC 58.07%     ETH 8.79%

结果页面 380,所有加密货币

最后价格 24h%
7d chart
市值 高24小时 低24小时 价格走势图7天 成交量24小时 FDV 市值 预测
# 名称 最后价格 变更24小时 市值 高24小时 低24小时 价格走势图7天 成交量24小时 FDV 市值 预测
{{ item.sort }} {{ item.name }}  {{ item.ticker }} {{ item.price }}
{{ item.price_btc }}
{{ item.change_24h_pct }}
{{ item.market_cap }}
{{ item.market_cap_btc }}
{{ item.high_24h }}
{{ item.high_24h_btc }}
{{ item.low_24h }}
{{ item.low_24h_btc }}
{{ item.volume_24h }}
{{ item.volume_24h_btc }}
{{ item.fully_diluted_valuation }}
{{ item.fully_diluted_valuation_btc }}
{{ item.market_cap }}
{{ item.market_cap_btc }}
Gloom  GLOOM $0.000008389
-4.36 $0
Gloom(gloom) 价格预测
BetBase  BET $0.01087
-0.17 $0
BetBase(bet) 价格预测
Damoon  DAMOON $0.02934
-6.55 $0
Damoon(damoon) 价格预测
Tuition Coin  TUIT $0.002369
-0.32 $0
Tuition Coin(tuit) 价格预测
Redecoin  REDEV2 $0.001483
-4.16 $0
Redecoin(redev2) 价格预测
BMX: Wrapped Mode Liquidity Token  WMLT $0.9219
-3.94 $0
BMX: Wrapped Mode Liquidity Token(wmlt) 价格预测
Meter Passport Bridged WETH (Theta)  WETH $0
0 $0
Meter Passport Bridged WETH (Theta)(weth) 价格预测
Veno Yield Bearing ETH  YBETH $0
0 $0
Veno Yield Bearing ETH(ybeth) 价格预测
0 $0
Reddio USDT(rsvusdt) 价格预测
HOPR  XHOPR $0.05623
-8.35 $0
HOPR(xhopr) 价格预测
0 $0
Re7 USDA(re7usda) 价格预测
Army  ARMY $0.5789
0 $0
Army(army) 价格预测
AML Bitcoin  ABTC $1.16
0 $0
AML Bitcoin(abtc) 价格预测
Benjacoin  BENJA $0.00208
0 $0
Benjacoin(benja) 价格预测
Bitsten Token  BST $0.02242
0 $0
Bitsten Token(bst) 价格预测
c0ban  RYO $1.21
0 $0
c0ban(ryo) 价格预测
Darico Ecosystem Coin  DEC $2.48
0 $156.21M
Darico Ecosystem Coin(dec) 价格预测
Dyngecoin  DYNGE $0.00000104
0 $0
Dyngecoin(dynge) 价格预测
Ethereum Lite  ELITE $0.003015
0 $0
Ethereum Lite(elite) 价格预测
GSMcoin  GSM $0.004606
0 $0
GSMcoin(gsm) 价格预测
IG Gold  IGG $0.00001949
0 $293.88K
IG Gold(igg) 价格预测
KickSoccer Coin  KSOC $6.93
0 $0
KickSoccer Coin(ksoc) 价格预测
Lucyd  LCD $0.005209
0 $0
Lucyd(lcd) 价格预测
Northern  NORT $0.009535
0 $0
Northern(nort) 价格预测
Peak  PEAK $0.000182
0 $0
Peak(peak) 价格预测
Qchain  EQC $0.0006848
0 $0
Qchain(eqc) 价格预测
SalPay  SAL $0.004689
0 $0
SalPay(sal) 价格预测
Soniq  SONIQ $0.0008668
0 $39.01K
Soniq(soniq) 价格预测
TCASH  TCASH $0.0008375
0.01* $30.09K
TCASH(tcash) 价格预测
Vitae  VITAE $0.6579
0 $16.34M
Vitae(vitae) 价格预测
YACoin  YAC $0.0005926
0 $0
YACoin(yac) 价格预测
Kaleido  KAL $0.02122
0 $0
Kaleido(kal) 价格预测
10X Short Bitcoin Cash Token  BCHDOOM $0.0007888
0 $0
10X Short Bitcoin Cash Token(bchdoom) 价格预测
3X Long PAX Gold Token  PAXGBULL $3,325.48
0 $0
3X Long PAX Gold Token(paxgbull) 价格预测
HUG OXYTOCIN  HOX $0.00008668
0 $0
HUG OXYTOCIN(hox) 价格预测
DARMA Cash  DMCH $0.00001356
0 $0
DARMA Cash(dmch) 价格预测
France 40  FCHI.CX $51,754.54
0 $0
France 40(fchi.cx) 价格预测
HEIDI  HDI $0.0001743
0 $0
HEIDI(hdi) 价格预测
Electric Token  ETR $0.003351
0 $0
Electric Token(etr) 价格预测
LP sBTC Curve  SBTCCURVE $87,263.13
0 $0
LP sBTC Curve(sbtcCurve) 价格预测
yVault LP-yCurve  YYCRV $0.007348
0 $12.67K
yVault LP-yCurve(yycrv) 价格预测
SocketFinance  SFI $3.69
0 $0
SocketFinance(sfi) 价格预测
Holdtowin  7ADD $3.08
0 $0
Holdtowin(7add) 价格预测
Nerve Finance  NRV $0.001748
3.73 $0
Nerve Finance(nrv) 价格预测
WeCoOwn  WCX $0.00001559
-6.74 $0
WeCoOwn(wcx) 价格预测
YTV Coin  YTV $0.0001264
0 $0
YTV Coin(ytv) 价格预测
Vulkania  VLK $0.2808
0 $7.25M
Vulkania(vlk) 价格预测
PolyGaj  GAJ $1.57
0 $0
PolyGaj(gaj) 价格预测
BlossomCoin  BLOSM $0.000000000138
0 $0
BlossomCoin(blosm) 价格预测
Binance-Peg Sushi  SUSHI $22.88
0 $0
Binance-Peg Sushi(sushi) 价格预测
NewB.Farm  NEWB $3.06
-2.20 $0
NewB.Farm(newb) 价格预测
Galactic Blue Index  GBI $1.56
0 $0
Galactic Blue Index(gbi) 价格预测
Crossing the Yellow Blocks  CBK $0.01074
0 $0
Crossing the Yellow Blocks(cbk) 价格预测
SBLAND Vault (NFTX)  SBLAND $2,966.82
0 $0
SBLAND Vault (NFTX)(sbland) 价格预测
Safe Trip Finance  STF $0.000728
0 $0
Safe Trip Finance(stf) 价格预测
Sphynx Network  SPH $0.0000001881
0 $0
Sphynx Network(sph) 价格预测
Community Doge Coin  CCDOGE $0.000000000032
0 $0
Community Doge Coin(ccdoge) 价格预测
PURR Vault (NFTX)  PURR $0.00000422
0 $0
PURR Vault (NFTX)(purr) 价格预测
Shiba Fantom  SHIBA $0
0 $0
Shiba Fantom(shiba) 价格预测
Echo Tech Coin  ECOT $0.00007218
-0.02 $0
Echo Tech Coin(ecot) 价格预测
Coffin Finance  COFFIN $0.001112
0 $0
Coffin Finance(coffin) 价格预测
Xcel Swap  XLD $0.003227
3.66 $0
Xcel Swap(xld) 价格预测
TrustKeys Network  TRUSTK $0.07392
0 $0
TrustKeys Network(trustk) 价格预测
Future Real Estate Token  FRET $0.0000001408
0 $0
Future Real Estate Token(fret) 价格预测
Dynasty Global Investments AG  DYN $0.5292
-0.02 $0
Dynasty Global Investments AG(dyn) 价格预测
ASPO World  ASPO $0.00121
0.15 $0
ASPO World(aspo) 价格预测
Financio  FIN $0.001647
0 $0
Financio(fin) 价格预测
Supernova  SNT $0.006148
0 $0
Supernova(snt) 价格预测
SafeNotMoon  $SNM $0.00005909
0 $0
SafeNotMoon($SNM) 价格预测
InstantXRP  INSTANTXRP $0.002523
0 $0
InstantXRP(instantxrp) 价格预测
ParallelChain  XPLL $0.004516
-4.47 $0
ParallelChain(xpll) 价格预测
Lumos Metaverse  LUMOSX $0.00021
-0.01* $0
Lumos Metaverse(lumosx) 价格预测
MetaMars  METAM $0.00000003641
0 $0
MetaMars(metam) 价格预测
Hecate Capital  HECATE $0.00000003798
0 $0
Hecate Capital(HECATE) 价格预测
battle esports coin  BES $0.0001399
0 $0
battle esports coin(bes) 价格预测
Dike  DIKE $0.00002387
0 $0
Dike(dike) 价格预测
Moonflower Farm  MFF $0
0 $0
Moonflower Farm(mff) 价格预测
XR Shiba Inu  XRSHIB $0.0000000001
0 $0
XR Shiba Inu(xrshib) 价格预测
Nolian Credits  NLCR $0.0001056
0 $0
Nolian Credits(nlcr) 价格预测
Bridged Tether (Avalanche)  USDTE $0.9984
0.21 $0
Bridged Tether (Avalanche)(usdte) 价格预测
Dark Land Survival  BIG $0.0002167
0 $0
Dark Land Survival(big) 价格预测
Dreamy Undersea World  DUW $0.00001908
0 $0
Dreamy Undersea World(duw) 价格预测
The Neighbours  NEIBR $0.007355
0 $0
The Neighbours(neibr) 价格预测
VicMove  VIM $0.002481
0 $0
VicMove(vim) 价格预测
Rocket Global Coin  RCKC $0.0001921
0 $0
Rocket Global Coin(rckc) 价格预测
Genesis Particle  GP $0.0006907
0 $0
Genesis Particle(gp) 价格预测
CoinGhost  GST $0.0005075
-0.20 $0
CoinGhost(gst) 价格预测
Tutela  TUTL $0.0006626
0 $0
Tutela(tutl) 价格预测
Tap Fantasy MC  TFMC $0.4904
0 $0
Tap Fantasy MC(tfmc) 价格预测
Kishiburbo  KISHIBURNO $2.52
0 $0
Kishiburbo(kishiburno) 价格预测
Mad Meerkat Optimizer (Polygon)  MMO $0.06166
0 $0
Mad Meerkat Optimizer (Polygon)(mmo) 价格预测
Korea Entertainment Education & Shopping  KEES $0.1019
0 $0
Korea Entertainment Education & Shopping(kees) 价格预测
ShibaW Inu  SHIBAW $0.000000000025
0 $0
ShibaW Inu(shibaw) 价格预测
Primal Network  PRM $0.001143
0 $0
Primal Network(prm) 价格预测
Perp Inu  PERPI $0.1162
0 $0
Perp Inu(perpi) 价格预测
Mudra  MUDRA $0
0 $0
Mudra(mudra) 价格预测
19.45 $0
Doge CEO(dogeceo) 价格预测
Oort Digital  OORT $0
0 $0
Oort Digital(oort) 价格预测
Pepito  PEPI $0.00002199
-17.16 $0
Pepito(pepi) 价格预测
Astrava  AST $0.001785
0 $0
Astrava(ast) 价格预测
