BTC 58.03%     ETH 8.94%


Remittance (4247)
最后价格 24h%
7d chart
市值 高24小时 低24小时 价格走势图7天 成交量24小时 FDV 市值 预测
# 名称 最后价格 变更24小时 市值 高24小时 低24小时 价格走势图7天 成交量24小时 FDV 市值 预测
{{ item.sort }} {{ item.name }}  {{ item.ticker }} {{ item.price }}
{{ item.price_btc }}
{{ item.change_24h_pct }}
{{ item.market_cap }}
{{ item.market_cap_btc }}
{{ item.high_24h }}
{{ item.high_24h_btc }}
{{ item.low_24h }}
{{ item.low_24h_btc }}
{{ item.volume_24h }}
{{ item.volume_24h_btc }}
{{ item.fully_diluted_valuation }}
{{ item.fully_diluted_valuation_btc }}
{{ item.market_cap }}
{{ item.market_cap_btc }}
1721 Pepe 2.0  PEPE2.0 $0.00000001511
-11.51 $7.1M
Pepe 2.0(pepe2.0) 价格预测
1723 Plugin  PLI $0.03674
1.38 $7.09M
Plugin(pli) 价格预测
1726 Smart Layer Network  SLN $0.09972
3.00 $7.07M
Smart Layer Network(sln) 价格预测
1727 Arbius  AIUS $30.02
-9.05 $7.05M
Arbius(aius) 价格预测
1728 Zenon  ZNN $0.5823
-10.25 $7.04M
Zenon(znn) 价格预测
1729 Fren Pet  FP $0.9875
15.46 $7.04M
Fren Pet(fp) 价格预测
1730 zbyte  DPLAT $0.04767
3.97 $5.8M
zbyte(dplat) 价格预测
1730 Rally  RLY $0.001405
-2.97 $7.04M
Rally(rly) 价格预测
1731 RyuJin  RYU $0.000000007036
-10.67 $7.04M
RyuJin(ryu) 价格预测
1735 AIT Protocol  AIT $0.02407
-7.39 $7M
AIT Protocol(ait) 价格预测
1736 KOALA AI  KOKO $0.0000007405
-2.98 $6.99M
KOALA AI(koko) 价格预测
1737 Arianee  ARIA20 $0.06472
-9.18 $6.97M
Arianee(aria20) 价格预测
1738 StakeWise  SWISE $0.01264
0.27 $6.96M
StakeWise(swise) 价格预测
1738 SaitaRealty  SRLTY $0.00008246
2.37 $5.02M
SaitaRealty(srlty) 价格预测
1741 Libra Incentix  LIXX $0.001029
0.85 $6.9M
Libra Incentix(lixx) 价格预测
1742 DigitalBits  XDB $0.0004031
-4.73 $6.9M
DigitalBits(xdb) 价格预测
1743 Saito  SAITO $0.002291
-2.26 $6.87M
Saito(saito) 价格预测
1745 THORWallet DEX  TGT $0.01158
-38.86 $6.82M
THORWallet DEX(tgt) 价格预测
1746 Africarare  UBU $0.02034
-1.95 $6.82M
Africarare(ubu) 价格预测
1747 Swarm Markets  SMT $0.0814
12.81 $6.82M
Swarm Markets(smt) 价格预测
1748 Sensay  SNSY $0.001397
-0.37 $6.82M
Sensay(snsy) 价格预测
1749 BLUB  BLUB $0.00000002031
-11.56 $6.8M
BLUB(blub) 价格预测
1750 Inter Milan Fan Token  INTER $0.9399
-3.31 $6.78M
Inter Milan Fan Token(inter) 价格预测
5.85 $6.77M
AVAX HAS NO CHILL(nochill) 价格预测
1755 Divi  DIVI $0.001602
-0.68 $6.73M
Divi(divi) 价格预测
1756 Smoking Chicken Fish  SCF $0.006729
8.38 $6.74M
Smoking Chicken Fish(scf) 价格预测
1757 GAMEE  GMEE $0.004933
-5.43 $6.72M
GAMEE(gmee) 价格预测
1758 MantaDAO  MNTA $0.1032
1.68 $6.71M
MantaDAO(mnta) 价格预测
1762 MAGA Hat  MAGA $0.00001622
-0.96 $6.64M
MAGA Hat(maga) 价格预测
1764 NFT Worlds  WRLD $0.01208
9.15 $6.64M
NFT Worlds(wrld) 价格预测
1768 Steem Dollars  SBD $0.6322
-8.32 $6.6M
Steem Dollars(sbd) 价格预测
1769 MAD  MAD $0.00000654
-0.51 $6.59M
MAD(mad) 价格预测
1770 Klima DAO  KLIMA $0.3857
-5.18 $6.58M
Klima DAO(klima) 价格预测
1773 ROACORE  ROA $0.01301
2.09 $6.55M
ROACORE(roa) 价格预测
1776 Paladin  PAL $0.3526
-7.16 $6.49M
Paladin(pal) 价格预测
1777 Wexo  WEXO $0.06153
-8.07 $6.47M
Wexo(wexo) 价格预测
1778 Mystiko  XZK $0.0168
0.57 $6.47M
Mystiko(xzk) 价格预测
1779 Karura  KAR $0.05524
-0.61 $6.43M
Karura(kar) 价格预测
1780 ETH 2x Flexible Leverage Index  ETH2X-FLI $8.09
-8.07 $6.44M
ETH 2x Flexible Leverage Index(eth2x-fli) 价格预测
1781 Mars Protocol  MARS $0.01115
-9.85 $6.41M
Mars Protocol(mars) 价格预测
1782 mini  MINI $0.00736
-13.07 $6.44M
mini(mini) 价格预测
1784 RCH Token  RCH $0.2459
-5.90 $6.42M
RCH Token(rch) 价格预测
1786 Oxygen  OXY $0.03157
-13.18 $6.39M
Oxygen(oxy) 价格预测
1791 Atlas Navi  NAVI $0.03935
5.39 $6.36M
Atlas Navi(navi) 价格预测
1793 TRAC (Ordinals)  TRAC $0.303
-3.88 $6.4M
TRAC (Ordinals)(trac) 价格预测
1794 Celo Euro  CEUR $1.05
-0.05 $6.33M
Celo Euro(ceur) 价格预测
1796 Multibit  MUBI $0.006663
-9.23 $6.33M
Multibit(mubi) 价格预测
1799 RocketX Exchange  RVF $0.06535
-3.40 $6.29M
RocketX Exchange(rvf) 价格预测
1800 BEAM  BEAM $0.03562
1.57 $6.3M
BEAM(beam) 价格预测
1801 Blocksquare  BST $0.1088
-1.47 $6.31M
Blocksquare(bst) 价格预测
1803 Jesus Coin  JESUS $0.00000004006
-5.73 $6.26M
Jesus Coin(jesus) 价格预测
1804 互联网币  EMAID $0.2025
3.54 $6.25M
互联网币(emaid) 价格预测
1806 Shido Network  SHIDO $0.0003459
0.75 $6.22M
Shido Network(shido) 价格预测
1809 Shrapnel  SHRAP $0.006605
-10.82 $6.13M
Shrapnel(shrap) 价格预测
1810 Afreum  AFR $0.001098
-11.86 $6.2M
Afreum(afr) 价格预测
1812 HERBCOIN  HERB $0.06707
5.50 $6.19M
HERBCOIN(herb) 价格预测
1813 Sillynubcat  NUB $0.006272
-6.24 $6.27M
Sillynubcat(nub) 价格预测
1814 Mintlayer  ML $0.03415
8.89 $6.18M
Mintlayer(ml) 价格预测
1816 Diamond  DMD $1.6
-1.81 $6.18M
Diamond(dmd) 价格预测
1820 Dero  DERO $0.4839
-3.51 $6.13M
Dero(dero) 价格预测
1821 CateCoin  CATE $0.0000001067
-3.85 $6.12M
CateCoin(cate) 价格预测
1823 RNT  RNT $0.007328
8.22 $7.32M
RNT(rnt) 价格预测
1823 Fuse Network Token  FUSE $0.02018
0.19 $6.12M
Fuse Network Token(fuse) 价格预测
1829 Slothana  SLOTH $0.003266
-8.76 $6.05M
Slothana(sloth) 价格预测
1830 Prime Staked ETH  PRIMEETH $2,360.86
-1.54 $5.22M
Prime Staked ETH(primeeth) 价格预测
1830 cUNI  CUNI $0.1582
-6.63 $6.02M
cUNI(cuni) 价格预测
1831 Blockasset  BLOCK $0.03037
-0.07 $6.04M
Blockasset(block) 价格预测
1832 TopGoal  GOAL $0.01116
17.97 $6M
TopGoal(goal) 价格预测
1833 Xelis  XEL $2.52
-5.89 $6.02M
Xelis(xel) 价格预测
1834 Wirex  WXT $0.002605
0.18 $5.99M
Wirex(wxt) 价格预测
1835 ParagonsDAO  PDT $0.04819
-2.75 $5.98M
ParagonsDAO(pdt) 价格预测
1836 SolanaHub staked SOL  HUBSOL $172.34
-9.78 $5.97M
SolanaHub staked SOL(hubsol) 价格预测
1837 Voyager Token  VGX $0.006533
-6.09 $5.97M
Voyager Token(vgx) 价格预测
1838 UniCrypt  UNCX $165
-9.31 $5.96M
UniCrypt(uncx) 价格预测
1839 HELLO  HELLO $0.01118
-3.87 $5.94M
HELLO(hello) 价格预测
1840 Matr1x Fire  FIRE $0.0891
-3.41 $5.95M
Matr1x Fire(fire) 价格预测
1842 SNAP  $NAP $0.000003599
-8.95 $5.91M
SNAP($nap) 价格预测
1843 dHedge DAO  DHT $0.1031
6.55 $5.92M
dHedge DAO(dht) 价格预测
1844 renBTC  RENBTC $19,422.9
-4.12 $5.92M
renBTC(renbtc) 价格预测
1845 字节雪球  GBYTE $6.69
0.99 $5.88M
字节雪球(gbyte) 价格预测
1848 COCO COIN  COCO $0.0001713
-28.75 $5.86M
COCO COIN(coco) 价格预测
1850 Molecules of Korolchuk IP-NFT  VITA-FAST $5.85
6.51 $5.85M
Molecules of Korolchuk IP-NFT(vita-fast) 价格预测
1852 XCAD Network  XCAD $0.09197
1.48 $5.85M
XCAD Network(xcad) 价格预测
1853 French Connection Finance  ZYPTO $0.006533
-5.60 $5.83M
French Connection Finance(zypto) 价格预测
1854 Blendr Network  BLENDR $0.1457
14.72 $5.79M
Blendr Network(blendr) 价格预测
1855 Bamboo on Base  BAMBOO $0.00583
-1.15 $5.83M
Bamboo on Base(bamboo) 价格预测
1861 Electra Protocol  XEP $0.000318
-5.09 $5.77M
Electra Protocol(xep) 价格预测
1862 Astroport  ASTRO $0.01364
-0.41 $5.78M
Astroport(astro) 价格预测
1866 Matrix AI Network  MAN $0.01251
-5.97 $5.74M
Matrix AI Network(man) 价格预测
1868 Wise Token KIV  WISE $0.1301
-8.18 $5.71M
Wise Token KIV(wise) 价格预测
1870 Cult DAO  CULT $0.000001399
-7.58 $5.7M
Cult DAO(cult) 价格预测
1872 SIX Network  SIX $0.0208
-1.70 $5.69M
SIX Network(six) 价格预测
1874 StarLink  STARL $0.0000005687
-5.27 $5.66M
StarLink(starl) 价格预测
1876 Soil  SOIL $0.2424
6.02 $5.66M
Soil(soil) 价格预测
1877 QnA3.AI  GPT $0.02916
-6.15 $5.67M
QnA3.AI(gpt) 价格预测
1878 Cellana Finance  CELL $0.01645
2.41 $5.65M
Cellana Finance(cell) 价格预测
1879 Piteas  PTS $0.08094
-6.05 $5.67M
Piteas(pts) 价格预测
1887 Carbon Browser  CSIX $0.009435
7.04 $5.61M
Carbon Browser(csix) 价格预测
1888 Solanium  SLIM $0.05597
-4.21 $5.59M
Solanium(slim) 价格预测
1891 Stride Staked Osmo  STOSMO $0.4026
-4.28 $5.59M
Stride Staked Osmo(stosmo) 价格预测
