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Exchange: OTC Markets OTCQX Sector: Industrials Stock Market - Quotes & Prices

List of all Stocks and Equities with Prices, Market Capitalizations, PE and EPS
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M.Cap Market Cap VOL Volume 24h low 24h high Market Cap P/E Ratio EPS
{{ item.name }}  {{ item.symbol }} {{ item.price }} {{ item.price_usd }}
{{ item.change_pct }}
{{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.volume }} {{ item.volume_usd }} {{ item.low }} {{ item.low_usd }} {{ item.high }} {{ item.high_usd }} {{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.pe }} {{ item.eps }} {{ item.eps_usd }}
Experian plc  EXPGY $47.36
$43.77B $5.46K $47.18 $47.95 $43.77B 37.00 $1.28
Experian  EXPGF $47.16
$43.75B $200 $47.16 $47.17 $43.75B 36.84 $1.28
Techtronic Industries Company Limited  TTNDY $71.15
$26.07B $2.41K $70.87 $71.77 $26.07B 24.87 $2.86
Deutsche Lufthansa AG  DLAKY $7.2
$8.8B $45.29K $7.18 $7.3 $8.8B 7.20 $1
Bombardier Inc.  BDRBF $56.4
$5.58B $2.62K $56.4 $57.83 $5.58B 16.58 $3.4
Localiza Rent a Car S.A.  LZRFY $4.91
$5.39B $518 $4.5 $4.91 $5.39B 16.93 $0.29
Air Canada  ACDVF $11.05
$3.77B $13.92K $11.03 $11.52 $3.77B 3.35 $3.29
Anaergia  ANRGF $0.6899
$118.35M $2.4K $0.6899 $0.6899 $118.35M 0 -$0.31
Butler National  BUKS $1.55
$104.76M $24.22K $1.5 $1.56 $104.76M 8.61 $0.18
Ilika  ILIKF $0.5799
$100.82M $6.25K $0.53 $0.5799 $100.82M 0 -$0.03
Tecogen  TGEN $2.27
$56.41M $946.84K $1.82 $2.6 $56.41M 0 -$0.22
Wilhelmina  WHLM $3.76
$19.39M $200 $3.76 $3.76 $19.39M 34.18 $0.11
Omni-Lite Industries Canada  OLNCF $0.7299
$11.31M $1K $0.7299 $0.7299 $11.31M 10.48 $0.07
Techtronic Industries Company  TTNDF $12.25
$25.54B $160 $11.29 $11.29 $25.54B 21.49 $0.57
Deutsche Lufthansa AG  DLAKF $7.25
$8.72B $785 $7.25 $7.25 $8.72B 7.25 $1
Bombardier  BDRAF $57.68
$5.7B $10 $59.31 $59.31 $5.7B 16.96 $3.4
Black Diamond  BDIMF $5.52
$358.74M $100 $5.52 $5.52 $358.74M 21.23 $0.26
Agilyx ASA  AGXXF $2.62
$297.39M $100 $2.57 $2.57 $297.39M 0 -$0.23
$194.03M $900 $2.7 $2.7 $194.03M 2.84 $0.95
Q.E.P  QEPC $48.15
$157.23M $635 $48.15 $48.49 $157.23M 13.22 $3.64
Firan Technology  FTGFF $5.21
$133.67M $200 $5.21 $5.21 $133.67M 16.80 $0.31
DATA Communications Management  DCMDF $1.5
$82.96M $5.12K $1.5 $1.5 $82.96M 0 -$0.05
Tantalus Systems Holding  TNTLF $1.25
$63.56M $1.2K $1.32 $1.32 $63.56M 0 -$0.02
Norse Atlantic ASA  NRSAF $0.33
$48.63M $1K $0.3499 $0.3499 $48.63M 0 -$1.04
SSC Security Services  SECUF $1.7
$31.97M $1K $1.7 $1.7 $31.97M 170.00 $0.01
AAC Clyde Space AB (publ)  ACCMF $4.9
$30.89M $500 $4.25 $4.25 $30.89M 0 -$0.09
Next Hydrogen  NXHSF $0.8299
$19.01M $5K $0.4 $0.4 $19.01M 0 -$0.44
The Caldwell Partners  CWLPF $0.64
$18.92M $2.5K $0.64 $0.64 $18.92M 32.00 $0.02
Sunrise Energy Metals  SREMF $0.17
$15.25M $20K $0.2 $0.2 $15.25M 0 -$0.06
  FLYLF $0.2399
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0
  ACTHF $5.45
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0
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