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Top Gnosis Chain Ecosystem Coins by Market Capitalization

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Gnosis Chain Ecosystem (173)
100 Prev Next 100 Next 100
Last price 24h%
7d chart
% 24h
M. Cap 24h high 24h low Price Charts 7d 24h volume FDV Market cap Prediction
# Name Last price % 24h M. Cap 24h high 24h low Price Charts 7d 24h volume FDV Market cap Prediction
{{ item.sort }} {{ item.name }}  {{ item.ticker }} {{ item.price }}
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{{ item.market_cap_btc }}
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{{ item.fully_diluted_valuation }}
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{{ item.market_cap }}
{{ item.market_cap_btc }}
4 Tether  USDT $0.9995
0.01* $142.38B
7 USDC  USDC $0.9999
0.02 $56.36B
12 Wrapped Bitcoin  WBTC $91,677
6.90 $11.83B
Wrapped Bitcoin(wbtc) Price Prediction
14 Chainlink  LINK $16.18
9.03 $10.32B
Chainlink(link) Price Prediction
16 Wrapped stETH  WSTETH $2,807.15
4.81 $9.98B
Wrapped stETH(wsteth) Price Prediction
26 WETH  WETH $2,347.96
4.60 $6.81B
WETH(weth) Price Prediction
32 Uniswap  UNI $7.85
4.16 $4.71B
Uniswap(uni) Price Prediction
39 Dai  DAI $0.9995
-0.02 $3.3B
86 The Graph  GRT $0.1204
0.99 $1.15B
The Graph(grt) Price Prediction
129 Curve DAO  CRV $0.4646
6.88 $599.64M
Curve DAO(crv) Price Prediction
180 Gnosis  GNO $152.26
1.15 $394.43M
Gnosis(gno) Price Prediction
230 Safe  SAFE $0.5015
0.41 $278M
Safe(safe) Price Prediction
271 Ankr Network  ANKR $0.02135
3.40 $213.08M
Ankr Network(ankr) Price Prediction
284 OriginTrail  TRAC $0.4015
0.81 $200.66M
OriginTrail(trac) Price Prediction
298 yearn.finance  YFI $5,656.24
1.94 $190.73M
yearn.finance(yfi) Price Prediction
335 Sushi  SUSHI $0.8292
4.34 $159.56M
Sushi(sushi) Price Prediction
373 CoW Protocol  COW $0.3268
-4.26 $135.48M
CoW Protocol(cow) Price Prediction
424 RealToken Ecosystem Governance  REG $1.56
0.35 $111.89M
RealToken Ecosystem Governance(reg) Price Prediction
425 Balancer  BAL $1.79
4.86 $111.27M
Balancer(bal) Price Prediction
477 Tellor Tributes  TRB $36.51
2.46 $96.74M
Tellor Tributes(trb) Price Prediction
515 Request  REQ $0.11
-2.90 $84.57M
Request(req) Price Prediction
524 crvUSD  CRVUSD $0.9993
-0.03 $82.65M
550 Coin98  C98 $0.08619
1.85 $77.56M
Coin98(c98) Price Prediction
562 Badger  BADGER $3.75
14.09 $74.73M
Badger(badger) Price Prediction
566 Autonolas  OLAS $0.4654
2.77 $73.45M
Autonolas(olas) Price Prediction
576 Bridged Wrapped stETH (Gnosis)  WSTETH $2,803.54
5.47 $70.25M
Bridged Wrapped stETH (Gnosis)(wsteth) Price Prediction
618 Energy Web  EWT $1.03
7.93 $61.57M
Energy Web(ewt) Price Prediction
627 BUSD  BUSD $0.9975
0.64 $60.35M
630 DIA  DIA $0.4991
5.37 $59.64M
DIA(dia) Price Prediction
668 Orchid Protocol  OXT $0.09095
4.81 $53.66M
Orchid Protocol(oxt) Price Prediction
906 Perpetual Protocol  PERP $0.4428
4.71 $32.13M
Perpetual Protocol(perp) Price Prediction
938 TokenPocket Token  TPT $0.008695
9.86 $30.1M
TokenPocket Token(tpt) Price Prediction
960 HOPR  HOPR $0.06125
-11.46 $28.2M
HOPR(hopr) Price Prediction
0.06 $27.57M
MAI(mimatic) Price Prediction
978 Tornado Cash  TORN $7.1
-1.53 $27.12M
Tornado Cash(torn) Price Prediction
1053 ShapeShift FOX  FOX $0.03863
2.36 $24.06M
ShapeShift FOX(fox) Price Prediction
1086 Swarm  BZZ $0.3559
1.47 $22.47M
Swarm(bzz) Price Prediction
1147 Gnosis xDai Bridged WETH (Gnosis Chain)  WETH $2,349.03
4.73 $20.06M
Gnosis xDai Bridged WETH (Gnosis Chain)(weth) Price Prediction
1149 Streamr XDATA  XDATA $0.02868
19.43 $19.95M
Streamr XDATA(xdata) Price Prediction
1174 EURA  EURA $1.04
-0.41 $19.18M
EURA(eura) Price Prediction
1234 Streamr  DATA $0.02233
-0.26 $17.16M
Streamr(data) Price Prediction
1346 DeFi Pulse Index  DPI $88.2
0.75 $14.15M
DeFi Pulse Index(dpi) Price Prediction
1401 Aura Finance  AURA $0.2574
5.51 $12.8M
Aura Finance(aura) Price Prediction
1424 Kleros  PNK $0.01674
-0.09 $12.14M
Kleros(pnk) Price Prediction
1556 Ethix  ETHIX $0.1373
3.34 $9.68M
Ethix(ethix) Price Prediction
1834 UNCX Network  UNCX $169.95
-0.55 $6.14M
UNCX Network(uncx) Price Prediction
1850 Fuse  FUSE $0.01983
0.49 $6.01M
Fuse(fuse) Price Prediction
2009 Swash  SWASH $0.004957
5.01 $4.94M
Swash(swash) Price Prediction
2297 Agave  AGVE $36.29
2.31 $3.63M
Agave(agve) Price Prediction
2344 PoolTogether  POOL $0.48
2.96 $3.44M
PoolTogether(pool) Price Prediction
2350 Etherisc DIP  DIP $0.008939
7.42 $3.43M
Etherisc DIP(dip) Price Prediction
2382 Everclear  NEXT $0.03072
-0.12 $3.28M
Everclear(next) Price Prediction
2547 Gnosis xDai Bridged WBTC (Gnosis Chain)  WBTC $91,489
6.32 $2.73M
Gnosis xDai Bridged WBTC (Gnosis Chain)(wbtc) Price Prediction
2891 Mt Pelerin Shares  MPS $3.84
-1.00 $1.92M
Mt Pelerin Shares(mps) Price Prediction
2904 UNCL  UNCL $6.86
0 $678.64K
UNCL(uncl) Price Prediction
2926 PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power  CVP $0.05818
3.68 $1.88M
PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power(cvp) Price Prediction
3113 Circuits of Value  COVAL $0.0008624
-0.12 $1.54M
Circuits of Value(coval) Price Prediction
3178 Cardstack  CARD $0.0004811
3.68 $1.45M
Cardstack(card) Price Prediction
3365 Giveth  GIV $0.003938
2.77 $1.22M
Giveth(giv) Price Prediction
3445 r/FortNiteBR Bricks  BRICK $0.01774
-16.47 $1.14M
r/FortNiteBR Bricks(brick) Price Prediction
3507 Pillar  PLR $0.004098
6.08 $1.06M
Pillar(plr) Price Prediction
3632 BRLA Digital BRLA  BRLA $0.169
0.48 $955K
BRLA Digital BRLA(brla) Price Prediction
3891 Elk Finance  ELK $0.04858
0.82 $784.64K
Elk Finance(elk) Price Prediction
3944 Opium  OPIUM $0.04283
-0.82 $749.74K
Opium(opium) Price Prediction
3946 Freedom Reserve  FR $0.0007055
0 $49.8K
Freedom Reserve(fr) Price Prediction
4139 Auto  AUTO $8.33
-6.27 $637.14K
Auto(auto) Price Prediction
4322 DXdao  DXD $23.19
-0.28 $544.3K
DXdao(dxd) Price Prediction
4350 Hop Protocol  HOP $0.007055
8.46 $531.47K
Hop Protocol(hop) Price Prediction
4474 Donut  DONUT $0.002098
6.78 $469.89K
Donut(donut) Price Prediction
4525 Etho Protocol  ETHO $0.006177
-1.52 $444.49K
Etho Protocol(etho) Price Prediction
4580 DAOhaus  HAUS $0.4272
1.80 $427.24K
DAOhaus(haus) Price Prediction
4708 XP Network  XPNET $0.0006665
-3.07 $384.38K
XP Network(xpnet) Price Prediction
4888 Swapr  SWPR $0.008447
4.38 $333.84K
Swapr(swpr) Price Prediction
4922 r/CryptoCurrency Moons  MOON $0.0728
0.52 $325.02K
r/CryptoCurrency Moons(moon) Price Prediction
4981 Xion Finance  XGT $0.0003145
-6.60 $12.63K
Xion Finance(xgt) Price Prediction
5041 BoringDAO  BORING $0.0001704
-0.07 $292.78K
BoringDAO(boring) Price Prediction
5223 Space Token  SPACE $0.003636
8.25 $245.53K
Space Token(space) Price Prediction
5327 APY.vision  VISION $0.1553
0.67 $224.13K
APY.vision(vision) Price Prediction
5374 Bao Finance V2  BAO $0.0003701
-6.68 $214.74K
Bao Finance V2(bao) Price Prediction
5387 pNetwork  PNT $0.002415
6.74 $212.25K
pNetwork(pnt) Price Prediction
5946 Bright Union  BRIGHT $0.005398
4.61 $130.12K
Bright Union(bright) Price Prediction
5987 STAKE  STAKE $0.06812
0.47 $125.81K
STAKE(stake) Price Prediction
6520 DeHive  DHV $0.01826
6.35 $78.35K
DeHive(dhv) Price Prediction
6703 OmniBridge Bridged DAI (Gnosis Chain)  DAI $0.9749
-0.36 $68.08K
OmniBridge Bridged DAI (Gnosis Chain)(dai) Price Prediction
7289 Bao Finance  BAO $0.000000565
5.91 $41.46K
Bao Finance(bao) Price Prediction
7762 Minerva Wallet  MIVA $0.001984
-0.50 $26.47K
Minerva Wallet(miva) Price Prediction
7770 0xMonero  0XMR $0.014
-2.07 $26.13K
0xMonero(0xmr) Price Prediction
8040 Unique One  RARE $0.008081
0 $20.2K
Unique One(rare) Price Prediction
8966 Particle  PRTCLE $0.002279
-0.55 $5.76K
Particle(prtcle) Price Prediction
TORG  TORG $0.00000002749
0.07 $0
TORG(torg) Price Prediction
Aave v3 GNO  AGNO $0
0 $0
Aave v3 GNO(agno) Price Prediction
Aave v3 EURe  AEURE $0
0 $0
Aave v3 EURe(aeure) Price Prediction
Wrapped xHOPR  WXHOPR $0
0 $0
Wrapped xHOPR(wxhopr) Price Prediction
Cryptokek  KEK $0.005799
0 $341.45K
Cryptokek(kek) Price Prediction
Monerium GBP emoney  GBPE $1.3
1.51 $0
Monerium GBP emoney(gbpe) Price Prediction
Unlock Protocol  UDT $12.34
-1.22 $0
Unlock Protocol(udt) Price Prediction
Raid  RAID $0.0008777
6.26 $0
Raid(raid) Price Prediction
Gnosis xDAI Bridged USDC (Gnosis)  USDC.E $1
-0.09 $0
Gnosis xDAI Bridged USDC (Gnosis)(usdc.e) Price Prediction
Backed ERNX € Bond  BERNX $0
0 $0
Backed ERNX € Bond(bernx) Price Prediction
Backed ERNA $ Bond  BERNA $6.03
-0.04 $0
Backed ERNA $ Bond(berna) Price Prediction
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