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Top Liquid Restaking Tokens Coins by Market Capitalization

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Liquid Restaking Tokens (53)
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M. Cap 24h high 24h low Price Charts 7d 24h volume FDV Market cap Prediction
# Name Last price % 24h M. Cap 24h high 24h low Price Charts 7d 24h volume FDV Market cap Prediction
{{ item.sort }} {{ item.name }}  {{ item.ticker }} {{ item.price }}
{{ item.price_btc }}
{{ item.change_24h_pct }}
{{ item.market_cap }}
{{ item.market_cap_btc }}
{{ item.high_24h }}
{{ item.high_24h_btc }}
{{ item.low_24h }}
{{ item.low_24h_btc }}
{{ item.volume_24h }}
{{ item.volume_24h_btc }}
{{ item.fully_diluted_valuation }}
{{ item.fully_diluted_valuation_btc }}
{{ item.market_cap }}
{{ item.market_cap_btc }}
33 Wrapped eETH  WEETH $2,831.19
-0.91 $5.41B
Wrapped eETH(weeth) Price Prediction
64 Lombard Staked BTC  LBTC $96,265
-1.19 $1.92B
Lombard Staked BTC(lbtc) Price Prediction
71 Kelp DAO Restaked ETH  RSETH $2,767.4
-1.03 $1.54B
Kelp DAO Restaked ETH(rseth) Price Prediction
105 Renzo Restaked ETH  EZETH $2,766.42
-0.99 $863.96M
Renzo Restaked ETH(ezeth) Price Prediction
127 Mantle Restaked ETH  CMETH $2,819.35
-1.17 $665.78M
Mantle Restaked ETH(cmeth) Price Prediction
153 ether.fi Staked ETH  EETH $2,665.88
-0.88 $546.08M
ether.fi Staked ETH(eeth) Price Prediction
218 Ether.fi Staked BTC  EBTC $96,248
-1.16 $331.13M
Ether.fi Staked BTC(ebtc) Price Prediction
284 Solayer Staked SOL  SSOL $197.39
-4.04 $229.81M
Solayer Staked SOL(ssol) Price Prediction
557 Renzo Restaked SOL  EZSOL $219.66
-3.59 $80.22M
Renzo Restaked SOL(ezsol) Price Prediction
865 Kyros Restaked SOL  KYSOL $220.21
-3.92 $36.97M
Kyros Restaked SOL(kysol) Price Prediction
1281 Bedrock BTC  BRBTC $91,673
0 $16.7M
Bedrock BTC(brbtc) Price Prediction
1341 Swell Restaked BTC  SWBTC $96,287
0 $15.2M
Swell Restaked BTC(swbtc) Price Prediction
1530 ether.fi Staked EIGEN  EEIGEN $1.77
10.70 $10.59M
ether.fi Staked EIGEN(eeigen) Price Prediction
2710 Restaked sAVAX  RSAVAX $29.75
-1.62 $2.45M
Restaked sAVAX(rsavax) Price Prediction
2883 StakeEase Restaked ETH  SXETH $3,318.07
0 $2.07M
StakeEase Restaked ETH(sxeth) Price Prediction
4259 Inception Restaked ETH  INETH $2,714.32
-0.73 $600.22K
Inception Restaked ETH(ineth) Price Prediction
8894 YieldNest Restaked BTC - Kernel  YNBTCK $95,760
-1.82 $4.84K
YieldNest Restaked BTC - Kernel(ynbtck) Price Prediction
8944 Affine ultraETHs 2.0 (Fuse)  ULTRAETHS $3,891.82
0 $2.86K
Affine ultraETHs 2.0 (Fuse)(ultraeths) Price Prediction
8950 Renzo Restaked ETH (Fuse)  EZETH $3,276.12
0 $2.65K
Renzo Restaked ETH (Fuse)(ezeth) Price Prediction
Inception wbETH  INWBETH $2,723.79
0 $0
Inception wbETH(inwbeth) Price Prediction
Inception swETH  INSWETH $3,316.61
0 $0
Inception swETH(insweth) Price Prediction
Inception cbETH  INCBETH $3,187.37
0 $0
Inception cbETH(incbeth) Price Prediction
Inception sfrxETH  INSFRXETH $4,187.94
0 $0
Inception sfrxETH(insfrxeth) Price Prediction
Inception lsETH  INLSETH $0
0 $0
Inception lsETH(inlseth) Price Prediction
ether.fi Bridged weETH (Manta Pacific)  WEETH $3,462.19
0 $0
ether.fi Bridged weETH (Manta Pacific)(weeth) Price Prediction
Inception ETHx  INETHX $3,432.37
0 $0
Inception ETHx(inethx) Price Prediction
Inception ankrETH  INANKRETH $3,980.29
0 $0
Inception ankrETH(inankreth) Price Prediction
Inception stETH  INSTETH $3,259.01
0 $0
Inception stETH(insteth) Price Prediction
Inception rETH  INRETH $3,455.78
0 $0
Inception rETH(inreth) Price Prediction
Inception osETH  INOSETH $0
0 $0
Inception osETH(inoseth) Price Prediction
Inception oETH  INOETH $3,117.14
0 $0
Inception oETH(inoeth) Price Prediction
Inception mETH  INMETH $0
0 $0
Inception mETH(inmeth) Price Prediction
KelpDAO Bridged rsETH (Arbitrum)  RSETH $2,769.07
-0.97 $0
KelpDAO Bridged rsETH (Arbitrum)(rseth) Price Prediction
KelpDAO Bridged rsETH (Blast)  RSETH $0
0 $0
KelpDAO Bridged rsETH (Blast)(rseth) Price Prediction
KelpDAO Bridged rsETH (Mode)  RSETH $0
0 $0
KelpDAO Bridged rsETH (Mode)(rseth) Price Prediction
KelpDAO Bridged rsETH (Scroll)  RSETH $0
0 $0
KelpDAO Bridged rsETH (Scroll)(rseth) Price Prediction
KelpDAO Bridged rsETH (Base)  RSETH $2,732.34
0 $0
KelpDAO Bridged rsETH (Base)(rseth) Price Prediction
KelpDAO Bridged rsETH (Optimism)  RSETH $3,644.15
0 $0
KelpDAO Bridged rsETH (Optimism)(rseth) Price Prediction
Restaked Swell ETH  RSWETH $2,748.3
-0.76 $0
Restaked Swell ETH(rsweth) Price Prediction
ynETH MAX  YNETHX $2,775.13
0 $0
ynETH MAX(ynethx) Price Prediction
YieldNest Restaked LSD - Eigenlayer  YNLSDE $0
0 $0
YieldNest Restaked LSD - Eigenlayer(ynlsde) Price Prediction
Astrid Restaked stETH  RSTETH $51.85
0 $0
Astrid Restaked stETH(rsteth) Price Prediction
Astrid Restaked rETH  RRETH $0
0 $0
Astrid Restaked rETH(rreth) Price Prediction
Kyros Restaked JTO  KYJTO $0
0 $0
Kyros Restaked JTO(kyjto) Price Prediction
Affine ultraETHs 2.0  ULTRAETHS $3,185.33
-0.81 $0
Affine ultraETHs 2.0(ultraeths) Price Prediction
Inception Restaked EIGEN  INEIGEN $0
0 $0
Inception Restaked EIGEN(ineigen) Price Prediction
ether.fi Bridged weETH (Linea)  WEETH $2,831.03
-0.93 $0
ether.fi Bridged weETH (Linea)(weeth) Price Prediction
KelpDAO Bridged rsETH (Linea)  RSETH $0
0 $0
KelpDAO Bridged rsETH (Linea)(rseth) Price Prediction
Renzo Restaked JTO  EZJTO $0
0 $0
Renzo Restaked JTO(ezjto) Price Prediction
Renzo Restaked REZ  EZREZ $0.01833
-2.31 $0
Renzo Restaked REZ(ezrez) Price Prediction
Inception Restaked tBTC  INTBTC $0
0 $0
Inception Restaked tBTC(intbtc) Price Prediction
ynBNB MAX  YNBNBX $669.77
2.13 $0
ynBNB MAX(ynbnbx) Price Prediction
pufETH  PUFETH $2,777.75
-0.89 $0
pufETH(pufeth) Price Prediction
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