Total marketcap
Total volume
BTC 57.97%     ETH 9.62%

Top Wrapped-Tokens Coins by Market Capitalization

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Wrapped-Tokens (374)
100 Prev Next 100 Next 100
Last price 24h%
7d chart
% 24h
M. Cap 24h high 24h low Price Charts 7d 24h volume FDV Market cap Prediction
# Name Last price % 24h M. Cap 24h high 24h low Price Charts 7d 24h volume FDV Market cap Prediction
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12 Wrapped Bitcoin  WBTC $94,789
-2.62 $12.24B
Wrapped Bitcoin(wbtc) Price Prediction
14 Wrapped stETH  WSTETH $3,093.43
-2.95 $10.39B
Wrapped stETH(wsteth) Price Prediction
25 WETH  WETH $2,592.82
-3.30 $7.7B
WETH(weth) Price Prediction
32 Wrapped eETH  WEETH $2,745.28
-3.09 $5.22B
Wrapped eETH(weeth) Price Prediction
53 Coinbase Wrapped BTC  CBBTC $95,075
-2.48 $2.4B
Coinbase Wrapped BTC(cbbtc) Price Prediction
114 Wrapped BNB  WBNB $629.3
2.91 $756.26M
Wrapped BNB(wbnb) Price Prediction
193 Coinbase Wrapped Staked ETH  CBETH $2,826.23
-3.28 $390.23M
Coinbase Wrapped Staked ETH(cbeth) Price Prediction
242 Resolv wstUSR  WSTUSR $1.05
0 $277.75M
Resolv wstUSR(wstusr) Price Prediction
311 Wrapped Beacon ETH  WBETH $2,755.1
-3.00 $195.74M
Wrapped Beacon ETH(wbeth) Price Prediction
324 Wrapped Ether (Mantle Bridge)  WETH $2,602.26
-2.74 $187.4M
Wrapped Ether (Mantle Bridge)(weth) Price Prediction
330 Wrapped AVAX  WAVAX $25.17
-1.18 $182.67M
Wrapped AVAX(wavax) Price Prediction
551 Bridged Wrapped stETH (Gnosis)  WSTETH $3,087.55
-3.35 $78.38M
Bridged Wrapped stETH (Gnosis)(wsteth) Price Prediction
695 Wrapped NXM  WNXM $55.08
-3.60 $53.48M
Wrapped NXM(wnxm) Price Prediction
732 Wrapped POL  WPOL $0.3058
-2.16 $48.24M
Wrapped POL(wpol) Price Prediction
785 Wrapped XRP  WXRP $2.39
-1.90 $42.93M
Wrapped XRP(wxrp) Price Prediction
833 Wrapped QUIL  QUIL $0.04315
14.75 $38.95M
Wrapped QUIL(quil) Price Prediction
993 Wrapped Centrifuge  WCFG $0.1914
-3.16 $28M
Wrapped Centrifuge(wcfg) Price Prediction
1368 Wrapped Ampleforth  WAMPL $14.6
-4.95 $14.37M
Wrapped Ampleforth(wampl) Price Prediction
1477 Wrapped STEAMX  WSTEAMX $0.05303
1.09 $11.86M
Wrapped STEAMX(wsteamx) Price Prediction
1511 Wrapped Mantle  WMNT $1.01
-1.35 $11.24M
Wrapped Mantle(wmnt) Price Prediction
1610 Wrapped USDM  WUSDM $1.07
0.07 $9.38M
Wrapped USDM(wusdm) Price Prediction
1655 Wrapped Cygnus USD  WCGUSD $1.12
0.22 $8.7M
Wrapped Cygnus USD(wcgusd) Price Prediction
1811 Bridged Wrapped Bitcoin (StarkGate)  WBTC $94,650
-2.22 $6.88M
Bridged Wrapped Bitcoin (StarkGate)(wbtc) Price Prediction
1870 renBTC  RENBTC $20,748
-4.47 $6.31M
renBTC(renbtc) Price Prediction
1952 Wrapped AyeAyeCoin  WAAC $0.9413
-0.59 $5.65M
Wrapped AyeAyeCoin(waac) Price Prediction
2466 Wrapped MistCoin  WMC $6.71
-3.20 $3.07M
Wrapped MistCoin(wmc) Price Prediction
2467 Wrapped Solana (Universal)  USOL $196.44
-2.95 $3.08M
Wrapped Solana (Universal)(usol) Price Prediction
2496 Wrapped Accumulate  WACME $0.01141
38.37 $3.03M
Wrapped Accumulate(wacme) Price Prediction
2521 Wrapped SUI (Universal)  USUI $3.3
1.50 $2.94M
Wrapped SUI (Universal)(usui) Price Prediction
2716 Wrapped QOM  WQOM $0.00000002011
-2.13 $2.43M
Wrapped QOM(wqom) Price Prediction
2745 iBTC  IBTC $94,627
-2.17 $2.37M
iBTC(ibtc) Price Prediction
2855 21.co Wrapped BTC  21BTC $95,047
-1.92 $2.11M
21.co Wrapped BTC(21btc) Price Prediction
2887 Wrapped XRP (Universal)  UXRP $2.4
-1.91 $2.01M
Wrapped XRP (Universal)(uxrp) Price Prediction
2909 Bridged Wrapped BTC (BEVM)  WBTC $95,099
-2.32 $1.96M
Bridged Wrapped BTC (BEVM)(wbtc) Price Prediction
2939 Rings scUSD  SCUSD $0.9982
-0.09 $1.91M
Rings scUSD(scusd) Price Prediction
-0.14 $1.26M
SMARDEX WRAPPED USDN(wusdn) Price Prediction
3419 Comswap Wrapped LIBRA  COMSWAPWLIBRA $0.0001482
109.61 $1.24M
Comswap Wrapped LIBRA(comswapwlibra) Price Prediction
3751 Wrapped DOG  WDOG $0.0009277
0.56 $923.68K
Wrapped DOG(wdog) Price Prediction
3959 renDOGE  RENDOGE $0.007315
0 $42.42K
renDOGE(rendoge) Price Prediction
3990 pTokens BTC [OLD]  PBTC $93,831
4,386.94 $753.72K
pTokens BTC [OLD](pbtc) Price Prediction
4120 Wrapped BMX Liquidity Token  WBLT $1.13
-1.16 $683.1K
Wrapped BMX Liquidity Token(wblt) Price Prediction
4355 Wrapped Energi  WNRG $0.04044
0.75 $546.59K
Wrapped Energi(wnrg) Price Prediction
4528 Wrapped eHMND  WEHMND $0.03911
-3.36 $477.52K
Wrapped eHMND(wehmnd) Price Prediction
4532 Bridged Wrapped Ether (Fuse)  WETH $2,603.52
-3.72 $476.01K
Bridged Wrapped Ether (Fuse)(weth) Price Prediction
4983 GraphLinq Wrapped ETH  WETH $2,610.28
-8.43 $317.79K
GraphLinq Wrapped ETH(weth) Price Prediction
4987 Wrapped DOGE (Universal)  UDOGE $0.2513
-1.15 $316.19K
Wrapped DOGE (Universal)(udoge) Price Prediction
5283 Stargate Bridged WETH (Fuse)  WETH $2,603.43
-3.73 $239.03K
Stargate Bridged WETH (Fuse)(weth) Price Prediction
5369 Bridged Wrapped Ether (Voltage Finance)  WETH $2,595.52
-3.38 $219.9K
Bridged Wrapped Ether (Voltage Finance)(weth) Price Prediction
5399 Wrapped Aptos (Universal)  UAPT $5.82
-6.42 $213.57K
Wrapped Aptos (Universal)(uapt) Price Prediction
5442 Wrapped NEAR (Universal)  UNEAR $3.16
-2.44 $206K
Wrapped NEAR (Universal)(unear) Price Prediction
5473 Wrapped OptiDoge  WOPTIDOGE $0.0000004786
-4.18 $201.04K
Wrapped OptiDoge(woptidoge) Price Prediction
5496 Wrapped Paris Saint-Germain (Kayen)  WPSG $2.23
-2.20 $194.24K
Wrapped Paris Saint-Germain (Kayen)(wpsg) Price Prediction
5518 Wrapped TOMO  WTOMO $1.42
0 $58.75K
Wrapped TOMO(wtomo) Price Prediction
5554 Private Wrapped wROSE  PWROSE $0.0428
-4.48 $184.91K
Private Wrapped wROSE(pwrose) Price Prediction
5619 Wrapped Atlético Madrid (Kayen)  WATM $1.49
-1.24 $175.1K
Wrapped Atlético Madrid (Kayen)(watm) Price Prediction
5641 Wrapped OG (Kayen)  WOG $3.73
4.13 $175.22K
Wrapped OG (Kayen)(wog) Price Prediction
5651 Wrapped Juventus (Kayen)  WJUV $1.04
-1.78 $170.97K
Wrapped Juventus (Kayen)(wjuv) Price Prediction
5668 Wrapped FC Barcelona (Kayen)  WBAR $1.54
-1.63 $169.07K
Wrapped FC Barcelona (Kayen)(wbar) Price Prediction
5721 WDOT  WDOT $4.81
-1.03 $162.39K
WDOT(wdot) Price Prediction
5795 Wrapped OrdBridge  WBRGE $0.001401
-1.94 $153.55K
Wrapped OrdBridge(wbrge) Price Prediction
5856 Wrapped AS Roma (Kayen)  WASR $1.41
-3.52 $145.03K
Wrapped AS Roma (Kayen)(wasr) Price Prediction
5913 Wrapped Manchester City (Kayen)  WCITY $1.25
-3.59 $137.39K
Wrapped Manchester City (Kayen)(wcity) Price Prediction
5960 Wrapped AC Milan (Kayen)  WACM $1.05
-2.59 $132.97K
Wrapped AC Milan (Kayen)(wacm) Price Prediction
6063 Wrapped Tottenham Hotspur (Kayen)  WSPURS $0.8147
-0.23 $121.76K
Wrapped Tottenham Hotspur (Kayen)(wspurs) Price Prediction
6086 Bridged Wrapped stETH (Axelar)  AXL-WSTETH $3,103.63
-3.40 $120.34K
Bridged Wrapped stETH (Axelar)(axl-wsteth) Price Prediction
6111 Wrapped SEI (Universal)  USEI $0.2261
-3.25 $116.97K
Wrapped SEI (Universal)(usei) Price Prediction
6350 Wrapped Arsenal FC (Kayen)  WAFC $0.6299
0.76 $93.8K
Wrapped Arsenal FC (Kayen)(wafc) Price Prediction
6351 Wrapped Bitcoin - Celer  CEWBTC $95,070
-3.61 $94.33K
Wrapped Bitcoin - Celer(cewbtc) Price Prediction
6535 Wrapped Virgin Gen-0 CryptoKittties  WVG0 $63.87
0 $80.66K
Wrapped Virgin Gen-0 CryptoKittties(wvg0) Price Prediction
6664 Wrapped Galatasaray S.K. (Kayen)  WGAL $1.63
0.76 $71.75K
Wrapped Galatasaray S.K. (Kayen)(wgal) Price Prediction
6665 Wrapped Inter Milan (Kayen)  WINTER $0.8611
-1.21 $72.14K
Wrapped Inter Milan (Kayen)(winter) Price Prediction
6737 Private Wrapped IX  PIX $0.02698
-4.54 $67.4K
Private Wrapped IX(pix) Price Prediction
6786 Wrapped Aston Villa (Kayen)  WAVL $0.3885
-0.59 $64.87K
Wrapped Aston Villa (Kayen)(wavl) Price Prediction
6823 Wrapped Bitcoin (Universal)  UBTC $94,827
-2.52 $62.41K
Wrapped Bitcoin (Universal)(ubtc) Price Prediction
6896 Wrapped Samsunspor (Kayen)  WSAM $0.3139
-3.58 $58.68K
Wrapped Samsunspor (Kayen)(wsam) Price Prediction
6914 Wrapped Persatuan Sepakbola Indonesia Bandung (Kayen)  WPERSIB $0.567
-2.47 $58.25K
Wrapped Persatuan Sepakbola Indonesia Bandung (Kayen)(wpersib) Price Prediction
6983 Wrapped Argentine Football Association (Kayen)  WARG $0.6953
0.73 $54.47K
Wrapped Argentine Football Association (Kayen)(warg) Price Prediction
6991 Wrapped Portugal National Team (Kayen)  WPOR $0.6379
1.30 $53.87K
Wrapped Portugal National Team (Kayen)(wpor) Price Prediction
7025 Wrapped Legia Warsaw (Kayen)  WLEG $0.2054
-3.07 $52.31K
Wrapped Legia Warsaw (Kayen)(wleg) Price Prediction
7060 Wrapped Hashtag United (Kayen)  WHASHTAG $0.7596
-3.09 $51.12K
Wrapped Hashtag United (Kayen)(whashtag) Price Prediction
7096 Wrapped Leicester Tigers (Kayen)  WTIGERS $0.2283
-3.64 $49.33K
Wrapped Leicester Tigers (Kayen)(wtigers) Price Prediction
7106 Wrapped Fortuna Sittard (Kayen)  WFOR $0.1694
-3.03 $48.85K
Wrapped Fortuna Sittard (Kayen)(wfor) Price Prediction
7107 Wrapped Sint-Truidense Voetbalvereniging (Kayen)  WSTV $0.3204
-3.55 $48.79K
Wrapped Sint-Truidense Voetbalvereniging (Kayen)(wstv) Price Prediction
7108 Wrapped Saracens (Kayen)  WSARRIES $0.3488
-3.92 $48.76K
Wrapped Saracens (Kayen)(wsarries) Price Prediction
7164 Wrapped The Sharks (Kayen)  WSHARKS $1.67
-2.99 $46.44K
Wrapped The Sharks (Kayen)(wsharks) Price Prediction
7189 Wrapped Stade Francais Paris (Kayen)  WSFP $0.8155
-2.98 $45.14K
Wrapped Stade Francais Paris (Kayen)(wsfp) Price Prediction
7259 Wrapped Napoli FC (Kayen)  WNAP $0.9309
-1.75 $42.2K
Wrapped Napoli FC (Kayen)(wnap) Price Prediction
7280 Wrapped Ultimate Fighting Championship (Kayen)  WUFC $0.3561
-3.57 $41.43K
Wrapped Ultimate Fighting Championship (Kayen)(wufc) Price Prediction
7285 Wrapped Made In Brasil (Kayen)  WMIBR $0.06055
0 $41.54K
Wrapped Made In Brasil (Kayen)(wmibr) Price Prediction
7314 Wrapped Trabzonspor (Kayen)  WTRA $0.5381
1.37 $40.18K
Wrapped Trabzonspor (Kayen)(wtra) Price Prediction
7317 Wrapped Gaziantep F.K (Kayen)  WGFK $0.1643
-3.63 $39.93K
Wrapped Gaziantep F.K (Kayen)(wgfk) Price Prediction
7323 Wrapped Apollon Limassol (Kayen)  WAPL $0.1441
-2.20 $39.97K
Wrapped Apollon Limassol (Kayen)(wapl) Price Prediction
7330 Wrapped Valencia (Kayen)  WVCF $0.2484
-0.53 $39.53K
Wrapped Valencia (Kayen)(wvcf) Price Prediction
7336 Wrapped Professional Fighters League (Kayen)  WPFL $0.1848
-3.07 $39.19K
Wrapped Professional Fighters League (Kayen)(wpfl) Price Prediction
7346 Wrapped Team Heretics (Kayen)  WTH $0.1393
-5.91 $38.96K
Wrapped Team Heretics (Kayen)(wth) Price Prediction
7360 Wrapped JOHOR Southern Tigers (Kayen)  WJDT $0.3834
1.53 $38.94K
Wrapped JOHOR Southern Tigers (Kayen)(wjdt) Price Prediction
7369 Wrapped SL Benfica (Kayen)  WBENFICA $0.6355
-3.95 $38.44K
Wrapped SL Benfica (Kayen)(wbenfica) Price Prediction
7374 Wrapped Esporte Clube Bahia (Kayen)  WBAHIA $0.3522
-3.63 $38.27K
Wrapped Esporte Clube Bahia (Kayen)(wbahia) Price Prediction
7375 Wrapped Club Santos Laguna (Kayen)  WSAN $0.2525
-1.26 $38.44K
Wrapped Club Santos Laguna (Kayen)(wsan) Price Prediction