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Result Page 5 for Top PFP / Avatar Coins by Market Capitalization

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PFP / Avatar (3148)
Last price 24h%
7d chart
% 24h
M. Cap 24h high 24h low Price Charts 7d 24h volume FDV Market cap Prediction
# Name Last price % 24h M. Cap 24h high 24h low Price Charts 7d 24h volume FDV Market cap Prediction
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478 Nosana  NOS $1.13
-17.94 $94.12M
Nosana(nos) Price Prediction
479 MVL  MVL $0.003517
-4.83 $92.52M
MVL(mvl) Price Prediction
480 Dogs  DOGS $0.0001791
-4.53 $92.67M
Dogs(dogs) Price Prediction
482 Xai  XAI $0.08664
-7.64 $91.94M
Xai(xai) Price Prediction
484 Civic  CVC $0.1135
-5.44 $91.01M
Civic(cvc) Price Prediction
484 SLG.GAMES  SLG $0.1537
17.30 $75.61M
SLG.GAMES(slg) Price Prediction
488 BitMart  BMX $0.2632
-0.36 $89.35M
BitMart(bmx) Price Prediction
490 Pundi X  PUNDIX $0.3432
-5.58 $88.66M
Pundi X(pundix) Price Prediction
491 Tokenlon  LON $0.759
-5.45 $88.4M
Tokenlon(lon) Price Prediction
492 Bounce  AUCTION $13.42
-4.54 $88.36M
Bounce(auction) Price Prediction
493 Moonwell  WELL $0.02712
-13.59 $88.22M
Moonwell(well) Price Prediction
494 Cronos Bridged USDT (Cronos)  USDT $1
0.11 $87.84M
Cronos Bridged USDT (Cronos)(usdt) Price Prediction
495 Degen  DEGEN $0.004952
12.16 $87.73M
Degen(degen) Price Prediction
496 TempleDAO  TEMPLE $3.66
-1.82 $87.65M
TempleDAO(temple) Price Prediction
497 API3  API3 $0.7402
-6.36 $87.59M
API3(api3) Price Prediction
498 Acet  ACT $0.03991
1.13 $87.05M
Acet(act) Price Prediction
499 Humans.ai  HEART $0.0112
-4.62 $87.1M
Humans.ai(heart) Price Prediction
500 iExec RLC  RLC $1.21
-6.42 $87.28M
iExec RLC(rlc) Price Prediction
505 DODO  DODO $0.08639
-4.85 $86.3M
DODO(dodo) Price Prediction
506 Dent  DENT $0.0009003
-5.01 $86.05M
Dent(dent) Price Prediction
507 Dogelon Mars  ELON $0.0000001564
-10.06 $85.83M
Dogelon Mars(elon) Price Prediction
508 JOE  JOE $0.2228
-6.16 $85.86M
JOE(joe) Price Prediction
509 Smooth Love Potion  SLP $0.002074
-6.70 $85.35M
Smooth Love Potion(slp) Price Prediction
511 MiL.k Alliance  MLK $0.1955
-1.04 $85.56M
MiL.k Alliance(mlk) Price Prediction
512 Kelp Gain  AGETH $2,345.86
-8.57 $85.19M
Kelp Gain(ageth) Price Prediction
513 Request  REQ $0.1103
-3.75 $84.78M
Request(req) Price Prediction
514 Bella Protocol  BEL $1.07
2.12 $85.56M
Bella Protocol(bel) Price Prediction
515 Ergo  ERG $1.05
-7.95 $83.95M
Ergo(erg) Price Prediction
516 HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ETH)  BITCOIN $0.08503
-7.35 $85.03M
HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ETH)(bitcoin) Price Prediction
519 Omni Network  OMNI $4.57
-2.87 $83.79M
Omni Network(omni) Price Prediction
520 Arcblock  ABT $0.8421
-1.62 $82.68M
Arcblock(abt) Price Prediction
521 L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Optimism)  WETH $2,247.89
-8.98 $83.03M
L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Optimism)(weth) Price Prediction
522 Puff The Dragon  PUFF $0.09321
4.66 $82.77M
Puff The Dragon(puff) Price Prediction
523 Liquity  LQTY $0.8492
-8.24 $82.48M
Liquity(lqty) Price Prediction
524 MetFi  METFI $0.4002
-2.67 $82.34M
MetFi(metfi) Price Prediction
525 Optimism Bridged WBTC (Optimism)  WBTC $90,228
-3.33 $82.88M
Optimism Bridged WBTC (Optimism)(wbtc) Price Prediction
526 Goldfinch  GFI $0.8891
-5.34 $82.06M
Goldfinch(gfi) Price Prediction
527 Songbird  SGB $0.005267
-3.29 $82.06M
Songbird(sgb) Price Prediction
528 AxonDAO Governance Token  AXGT $0.1905
-4.78 $81.38M
AxonDAO Governance Token(axgt) Price Prediction
529 0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract  0X0 $0.09109
0.79 $81.16M
0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract(0x0) Price Prediction
530 Huobi  HT $0.5092
-7.46 $81.07M
Huobi(ht) Price Prediction
531 Pax Dollar  USDP $1
-0.01 $80.61M
532 Ski Mask Dog  SKI $0.08016
-0.25 $80.47M
Ski Mask Dog(ski) Price Prediction
533 Centrifuge  CFG $0.1566
-6.24 $80.16M
Centrifuge(cfg) Price Prediction
534 crvUSD  CRVUSD $0.9993
-0.07 $80.04M
535 Numeraire  NMR $9.95
-10.08 $79.39M
Numeraire(nmr) Price Prediction
536 TerraClassicUSD  USTC $0.01419
-10.87 $78.83M
TerraClassicUSD(ustc) Price Prediction
537 Cetus Protocol  CETUS $0.1182
-9.14 $78.49M
Cetus Protocol(cetus) Price Prediction
539 ECOMI  OMI $0.0002882
-6.67 $77.71M
ECOMI(omi) Price Prediction
540 Fwog  FWOG $0.08019
-4.69 $78.04M
Fwog(fwog) Price Prediction
541 Origin Ether  OETH $2,276.06
-8.21 $77.88M
Origin Ether(oeth) Price Prediction
542 Cartesi  CTSI $0.09045
-6.54 $77.61M
Cartesi(ctsi) Price Prediction
544 NetMind Token  NMT $1.73
-0.59 $77.72M
NetMind Token(nmt) Price Prediction
545 Non-Playable Coin  NPC $0.009619
-9.09 $77.44M
Non-Playable Coin(npc) Price Prediction
547 Paycoin  PCI $0.07552
-0.84 $77.17M
Paycoin(pci) Price Prediction
548 Coin98  C98 $0.08553
-6.82 $77.01M
Coin98(c98) Price Prediction
549 Pixer Eternity  PXT $0.03572
-1.65 $76.87M
Pixer Eternity(pxt) Price Prediction
551 Steem  STEEM $0.153
-4.26 $76.43M
Steem(steem) Price Prediction
552 SSV Network  SSV $10.8
-5.77 $76.52M
SSV Network(ssv) Price Prediction
553 dForce  DF $0.07612
-2.68 $76.02M
dForce(df) Price Prediction
555 Metal DAO  MTL $0.895
-4.39 $75.11M
Metal DAO(mtl) Price Prediction
556 PONKE  PONKE $0.1374
-2.58 $75.34M
PONKE(ponke) Price Prediction
558 Access Protocol  ACS $0.00184
-1.97 $74.93M
Access Protocol(acs) Price Prediction
560 Wilder World  WILD $0.2299
-1.38 $74.38M
Wilder World(wild) Price Prediction
561 Vanar Chain  VANRY $0.03832
-8.53 $74.19M
Vanar Chain(vanry) Price Prediction
562 Badger  BADGER $3.71
-1.71 $73.81M
Badger(badger) Price Prediction
563 Medibloc  MED $0.007716
-2.99 $73.64M
Medibloc(med) Price Prediction
564 Autonolas  OLAS $0.4625
-4.34 $72.98M
Autonolas(olas) Price Prediction
565 Cookie DAO  COOKIE $0.2049
-9.73 $73.16M
Cookie DAO(cookie) Price Prediction
566 MESSIER  M87 $0.00008237
-20.49 $72.78M
MESSIER(m87) Price Prediction
567 ARK  ARK $0.3864
-5.28 $71.71M
ARK(ark) Price Prediction
570 DevvE  DEVVE $0.8013
-9.00 $69.92M
DevvE(devve) Price Prediction
571 Celer Network  CELR $0.01229
-5.31 $69.33M
Celer Network(celr) Price Prediction
573 Solend  SLND $0.3421
-2.46 $69.36M
Solend(slnd) Price Prediction
574 Aurora  AURORA $0.1192
-7.92 $69.12M
Aurora(aurora) Price Prediction
575 Stronghold  SHX $0.01283
-4.55 $68.9M
Stronghold(shx) Price Prediction
576 Bridged Wrapped stETH (Gnosis)  WSTETH $2,738.71
-7.73 $67.99M
Bridged Wrapped stETH (Gnosis)(wsteth) Price Prediction
577 Aventis AI  AAI $0.1762
-3.04 $68.46M
Aventis AI(aai) Price Prediction
578 Renzo Restaked LST  PZETH $2,718.89
-7.90 $68.35M
Renzo Restaked LST(pzeth) Price Prediction
580 Apu Apustaja  APU $0.0002016
1.38 $67.73M
Apu Apustaja(apu) Price Prediction
581 Tokamak Network  TON $1.32
-1.34 $67.55M
Tokamak Network(ton) Price Prediction
582 Moonriver  MOVR $7.14
-7.68 $67.72M
Moonriver(movr) Price Prediction
583 Ardor  ARDR $0.06759
-4.27 $67.45M
Ardor(ardr) Price Prediction
584 TARS AI  TAI $0.1145
-23.60 $67.16M
TARS AI(tai) Price Prediction
586 Bitget Wallet Token  BWB $0.47
0 $67.18M
Bitget Wallet Token(bwb) Price Prediction
587 Undeads Games  UDS $0.9605
16.89 $67.15M
Undeads Games(uds) Price Prediction
588 Kyber Network Crystal  KNC $0.3932
-6.13 $66.89M
Kyber Network Crystal(knc) Price Prediction
589 Bone ShibaSwap  BONE $0.2675
-5.44 $66.82M
Bone ShibaSwap(bone) Price Prediction
590 GameBuild  GAME $0.003969
-6.14 $66.78M
GameBuild(game) Price Prediction
591 Secret  SCRT $0.2196
-4.52 $66.18M
Secret(scrt) Price Prediction
592 BounceBit  BB $0.162
-3.97 $66.43M
BounceBit(bb) Price Prediction
593 Spiko US T-Bills Money Market Fund  USTBL $1.04
0.03 $66.29M
Spiko US T-Bills Money Market Fund(ustbl) Price Prediction
594 QANplatform  QANX $0.03868
-1.46 $65.72M
QANplatform(qanx) Price Prediction
595 Treasure  MAGIC $0.2088
-8.04 $65.3M
Treasure(magic) Price Prediction
596 PepeCoin  PEPECOIN $0.6031
-5.24 $65.23M
PepeCoin(pepecoin) Price Prediction
597 Synapse  SYN $0.2951
-6.74 $64.59M
Synapse(syn) Price Prediction
599 WINkLink  WIN $0.00006477
-4.25 $64.43M
WINkLink(win) Price Prediction
601 Bit2Me  B2M $0.01291
-2.64 $63.86M
Bit2Me(b2m) Price Prediction
602 USDX  USDX $0.57
-5.63 $63.59M
USDX(usdx) Price Prediction
603 Simon's Cat  CAT $0.000009419
-10.53 $63.69M
Simon's Cat(cat) Price Prediction
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