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Le pays : États-Unis Bourse : NasdaqCM Secteur : Biens de consommation défensifs Marché boursier - Cotations et cours

Liste de toutes les actions et titres avec cours, capitalisations boursières, ratios P/E et BPA
Nom Nom Prix Prix 24h%
7j Graphique
Cap. du marché Cap. du marché VOL Volume 24h bas 24h de haut Cap. du marché PER BPA
Nom Nom Prix Prix 24h%
7j Graphique
Cap. du marché Cap. du marché VOL Volume 24h bas 24h de haut Cap. du marché PER BPA
{{ item.name }}  {{ item.symbol }} {{ item.price }} {{ item.price_usd }}
{{ item.change_pct }}
{{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.volume }} {{ item.volume_usd }} {{ item.low }} {{ item.low_usd }} {{ item.high }} {{ item.high_usd }} {{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.pe }} {{ item.eps }} {{ item.eps_usd }}
Celsius  CELH $26.52
$6.24B $8.58M $24.04 $26.62 $6.24B 58.92 $0.45
The Simply Good Foods Company  SMPL $37.07
$3.75B $350.1K $36.88 $38.15 $3.75B 26.29 $1.41
$437.14M $2.04M $1.5 $1.6 $437.14M 0 -$0.29
Nature's Sunshine Products  NATR $14.24
$269.09M $6.69K $13.97 $14.24 $269.09M 16.17 $0.88
G. Willi-Food  WILC $16.76
$235.85M $3.67K $16.76 $16.83 $235.85M 14.57 $1.15
LifeVantage  LFVN $16.36
$210.63M $116.59K $15.83 $16.66 $210.63M 28.70 $0.57
The Beauty Health Company  SKIN $1.11
$159.36M $719.55K $1.08 $1.26 $159.36M 0 -$0.39
FitLife Brands  FTLF $14.99
$138.06M $11.6K $14.5 $14.99 $138.06M 17.63 $0.85
HF Foods  HFFG $1.9
$103.18M $20.63K $1.83 $2 $103.18M 0 -$0.04
Village Farms  VFF $0.6999
$82.06M $327.01K $0.66 $0.6999 $82.06M 0 -$0.45
Barfresh Food  BRFH $3.27
$54.14M $2.17K $3.25 $3.29 $54.14M 0 -$0.18
Coffee Holding  JVA $6.49
$37.02M $205.84K $5.64 $6.54 $37.02M 16.62 $0.39
Willamette Valley Vineyards  WVVI $5.98
$29.69M $1.13K $5.98 $6.11 $29.69M 0 -$0.61
Sow Good  SOWG $2.09
$23.68M $42.26K $2.02 $2.09 $23.68M 8.70 $0.24
Mannatech, Incorporated  MTEX $11.5
$21.68M $2.3K $11 $11.6 $21.68M 0 -$0.82
S&W Seed Company  SANW $7.75
$16.84M $2.66K $7.5 $7.96 $16.84M 0 -$14.85
Shineco  SISI $0.8
$16.13M $53.32K $0.75 $0.8599 $16.13M 0 -$98.84
Skillful Craftsman Education Technology  EDTK $1.01
$16.09M $45.25K $1 $1.04 $16.09M 0 -$0.48
China Liberal Education  CLEU $3.6
$15.87M $737.57K $2.63 $3.89 $15.87M 0 -$4,079.3
Tokyo Lifestyle  TKLF $3.47
$14.73M $69 $3.47 $3.47 $14.73M 1.92 $1.8
Nocera  NCRA $0.93
$13.04M $6.15K $0.93 $0.93 $13.04M 0 -$0.36
TDH  PETZ $1.23
$12.67M $5.55K $1.23 $1.23 $12.67M 0 -$0.68
EpicQuest Education  EEIQ $0.8199
$11.36M $5.46K $0.81 $0.8399 $11.36M 0 -$0.47
Wah Fu Education  WAFU $2
$9.44M $116.28K $1.87 $2.03 $9.44M 0 -$0.01
Kaival Brands Innovations  KAVL $0.7399
$8.97M $69.7K $0.7099 $0.78 $8.97M 0 -$1.62
Arcadia Biosciences  RKDA $3.84
$5.39M $3.93K $3.8 $4.09 $5.39M 0 -$6.77
Greenlane  GNLN $0.5899
$5.23M $90.49K $0.55 $0.65 $5.23M 0 -$117.5
Bon Natural Life  BON $0.9799
$4.09M $31.28K $0.9799 $1.09 $4.09M 5.76 $0.17
Tantech  TANH $2.61
$3.46M $25.41K $2.55 $2.81 $3.46M 0.057 $46.8
22nd Century  XXII $1.86
$3.43M $39.63K $1.68 $1.86 $3.43M 0 -$2,419
Bit Origin  BTOG $0.4
$3.4M $120.97M $0.3599 $0.4699 $3.4M 0 -$3.34
Farmmi  FAMI $0.22
$3.38M $192.49K $0.22 $0.2399 $3.38M 0 -$0.66
AquaBounty  AQB $0.67
$2.76M $9.58K $0.66 $0.68 $2.76M 0 -$19.05
AgriFORCE Growing Systems  AGRI $1.59
$2.72M $47.89K $1.51 $1.61 $2.72M 0.0072 $220
Stryve Foods  SNAX $0.5
$2.09M $11.23K $0.4299 $0.5 $2.09M 0 -$5.4
Waldencast  WALDW $0.11
$0 $20.12K $0.11 $0.11 $0 0 $0
Hostess Brands  TWNK $33.3
$4.43B $0 $0 $0 $4.43B 0 $0
Whole Earth Brands  FREE $4.87
$211.57M $0 $0 $0 $211.57M 0 $0
Willamette Valley Vineyards, Inc.  WVVIP $3.35
$25.57M $386 $3.35 $3.35 $25.57M 24.81 $0.14
Tarena  TEDU $1.13
$12.16M $0 $0 $0 $12.16M 0 $0
CIMG  NUZE $0.75
$6.92M $0 $0 $0 $6.92M 0 $0
Eastside Distilling  EAST $0.89
$4.16M $0 $0 $0 $4.16M 0 $0
Vintage Wine Estates  VWE $0.01
$1.57M $0 $0 $0 $1.57M 0 $0
AgriFORCE Growing Systems  AGRIW $0.004599
$0 $18.26K $0.004599 $0.008 $0 0 -$0.76
Missfresh  MF $1
$0 $87.85K $0.89 $1.04 $0 0 $0
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