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Result Page 19 for Top NFT Collections That Received Airdrops Coins by Market Capitalization

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NFT Collections That Received Airdrops (4332)
Last price 24h%
7d chart
% 24h
M. Cap 24h high 24h low Price Charts 7d 24h volume FDV Market cap Prediction
# Name Last price % 24h M. Cap 24h high 24h low Price Charts 7d 24h volume FDV Market cap Prediction
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2537 Thetanuts Finance  NUTS $0.0023
1.75 $2.43M
Thetanuts Finance(nuts) Price Prediction
2538 Domi  DOMI $0.005408
-15.91 $2.43M
Domi(domi) Price Prediction
2540 Lava  LAVA $0.00646
-11.13 $2.43M
Lava(lava) Price Prediction
2541 Witnet  WIT $0.00182
-14.55 $2.43M
Witnet(wit) Price Prediction
2543 BRN Metaverse  BRN $0.09542
-7.60 $2.42M
BRN Metaverse(brn) Price Prediction
2544 ValleyDAO  GROW $0.3802
-9.26 $2.42M
ValleyDAO(grow) Price Prediction
2547 Feisty Doge NFT  NFD $0.00004331
-12.97 $2.43M
Feisty Doge NFT(nfd) Price Prediction
2549 DucatusX  DUCX $0.008669
0.39 $2.41M
DucatusX(ducx) Price Prediction
2550 KLEVA  KLEVA $0.04386
-2.45 $2.41M
KLEVA(kleva) Price Prediction
2553 XNET Mobile  XNET $0.02553
-15.91 $2.41M
XNET Mobile(xnet) Price Prediction
2554 SERO  SERO $0.005564
-11.53 $2.4M
SERO(sero) Price Prediction
2555 Tierion  TNT $0.005598
2.08 $2.4M
Tierion(tnt) Price Prediction
2557 Nile  NILE $0.5315
-16.60 $2.4M
Nile(nile) Price Prediction
2558 Neoxa  NEOX $0.0003304
-0.06 $2.39M
Neoxa(neox) Price Prediction
2559 Mint Club  MINT $0.000002079
-3.36 $2.39M
Mint Club(mint) Price Prediction
2560 City Tycoon Games  CTG $0.1983
-8.78 $2.39M
City Tycoon Games(ctg) Price Prediction
-9.93 $2.38M
ZBIT•BLUE•BITCOIN(zbit) Price Prediction
2562 Forgotten Playland  FP $0.0006862
-10.30 $2.38M
Forgotten Playland(fp) Price Prediction
2563 Brainlet  BRAINLET $0.002365
-23.36 $2.37M
Brainlet(brainlet) Price Prediction
2564 Prisma Governance Token  PRISMA $0.0255
-13.03 $2.37M
Prisma Governance Token(prisma) Price Prediction
2567 Bitcicoin  BITCI $0.0002791
-3.97 $2.36M
Bitcicoin(bitci) Price Prediction
2575 Virtual USD  VUSD $0.6554
0 $2.34M
Virtual USD(vusd) Price Prediction
2576 MarsDAO  MDAO $0.02984
-6.91 $2.34M
MarsDAO(mdao) Price Prediction
2577 MongCoin  MONG $0.000000003386
-22.13 $2.34M
MongCoin(mong) Price Prediction
2578 Film.io  FAN $0.001191
-8.54 $2.33M
Film.io(fan) Price Prediction
2580 Raini  $RAINI $0.004786
-12.23 $2.33M
Raini($raini) Price Prediction
2583 Minted  MTD $0.009945
-7.43 $2.32M
Minted(mtd) Price Prediction
2585 OpenOcean  OOE $0.004601
-12.61 $2.33M
OpenOcean(ooe) Price Prediction
2592 DeFi  DEFI $0.006901
-13.58 $2.31M
DeFi(defi) Price Prediction
2593 enqAI  ENQAI $0.002322
-20.51 $2.47M
enqAI(enqai) Price Prediction
2594 CoinNavigator  CNG $2.24
-8.58 $2.31M
CoinNavigator(cng) Price Prediction
2595 HXRO  HXRO $0.003705
-14.87 $2.3M
HXRO(hxro) Price Prediction
2596 Mancium  MANC $0.2297
39.21 $2.3M
Mancium(manc) Price Prediction
2602 hehe  HEHE $0.00271
-21.90 $2.28M
hehe(hehe) Price Prediction
2603 Roaring Kitty  $ROAR $0.002273
-17.59 $2.28M
Roaring Kitty($roar) Price Prediction
2604 ScPrime  SCP $0.0407
-8.31 $2.28M
ScPrime(scp) Price Prediction
2608 Inspect  INSP $0.005571
-12.06 $2.26M
Inspect(insp) Price Prediction
2612 Shark Cat  SC $0.002261
-16.78 $2.24M
Shark Cat(sc) Price Prediction
2614 Bifrost Voucher MANTA  VMANTA $0.3812
-17.35 $2.24M
Bifrost Voucher MANTA(vmanta) Price Prediction
2618 Dedium  DEDI $0.04462
-20.84 $2.23M
Dedium(dedi) Price Prediction
2619 L2 Standard Bridged DAI (Base)  DAI $0.997
-0.26 $2.23M
L2 Standard Bridged DAI (Base)(dai) Price Prediction
2621 Parallel  PAR $0.9956
-1.90 $2.23M
Parallel(par) Price Prediction
2624 POOH  POOH $0.000000005278
-8.76 $2.22M
POOH(pooh) Price Prediction
2625 Metaverse Index  MVI $16.62
-12.56 $2.22M
Metaverse Index(mvi) Price Prediction
2629 Lambda  LAMB $0.001182
-7.84 $2.2M
Lambda(lamb) Price Prediction
2630 Orbofi AI  OBI $0.002614
-16.06 $2.2M
Orbofi AI(obi) Price Prediction
2634 Calaxy  CLXY $0.02375
-5.02 $2.2M
Calaxy(clxy) Price Prediction
2635 Unmarshal  MARSH $0.03504
-10.90 $2.19M
Unmarshal(marsh) Price Prediction
2640 STFX  STFX $0.003345
-41.38 $2.18M
STFX(stfx) Price Prediction
2643 MintMe.com Coin  MINTME $0.003996
197.85 $2.17M
MintMe.com Coin(mintme) Price Prediction
2644 Meta Monopoly  MONOPOLY $0.002167
-2.65 $2.17M
Meta Monopoly(monopoly) Price Prediction
2645 Scallop  SCLP $0.03892
-6.09 $2.17M
Scallop(sclp) Price Prediction
2646 Gamer Arena  GAU $0.00641
-2.06 $2.16M
Gamer Arena(gau) Price Prediction
2650 Gala Music  MUSIC $0.01494
-8.22 $2.17M
Gala Music(music) Price Prediction
2653 Sabai Protocol  SABAI $0.004247
-11.27 $2.16M
Sabai Protocol(sabai) Price Prediction
2655 Chain-key Ethereum  CKETH $2,076.86
-10.37 $2.17M
Chain-key Ethereum(cketh) Price Prediction
2657 Darwinia Network  RING $0.001268
-7.47 $2.15M
Darwinia Network(ring) Price Prediction
2659 Carbon Protocol  SWTH $0.00124
-2.42 $2.14M
Carbon Protocol(swth) Price Prediction
2662 Optimus AI  OPTI $0.02139
-14.87 $2.12M
Optimus AI(opti) Price Prediction
2663 Pandacoin  PND $0.00006021
-0.66 $2.14M
Pandacoin(pnd) Price Prediction
2666 Oxbull Tech  OXB $0.5303
3.67 $3.47M
Oxbull Tech(oxb) Price Prediction
2668 Brainers  BRAINERS $0.035
-2.53 $2.13M
Brainers(brainers) Price Prediction
2670 BabyBonk  BABYBONK $0.000000000005
-6.05 $2.13M
BabyBonk(babybonk) Price Prediction
2671 Titan Blaze  BLAZE $1.58
419.50 $2.14M
Titan Blaze(blaze) Price Prediction
2672 Xend Finance  RWA $0.01643
-10.93 $2.13M
Xend Finance(rwa) Price Prediction
2675 GoChain  GO $0.001649
-8.54 $2.13M
GoChain(go) Price Prediction
2676 Reddcoin  RDD $0.00006393
4.02 $2.12M
Reddcoin(rdd) Price Prediction
2677 DeepFakeAI  FAKEAI $0.002204
-7.84 $2.12M
DeepFakeAI(fakeai) Price Prediction
2679 Young Peezy AKA Pepe  PEEZY $0.002068
-19.67 $2.07M
Young Peezy AKA Pepe(peezy) Price Prediction
2680 MicrovisionChain  SPACE $0.3623
-1.81 $2.11M
MicrovisionChain(space) Price Prediction
2681 Receive Access Ecosystem  RAE $0.4704
6.87 $2.11M
Receive Access Ecosystem(rae) Price Prediction
2684 Chihuahua Chain  HUAHUA $0.00001908
-21.08 $2.11M
Chihuahua Chain(huahua) Price Prediction
2689 Xido Finance  XIDO $0.07397
-2.86 $2.09M
Xido Finance(xido) Price Prediction
2690 AI Network  AIN $0.007768
-0.45 $2.09M
AI Network(ain) Price Prediction
2694 Vexanium  VEX $0.002082
-7.69 $2.09M
Vexanium(vex) Price Prediction
2696 ZKFair  ZKF $0.0002074
-15.27 $2.08M
ZKFair(zkf) Price Prediction
2697 Mimo Governance  MIMO $0.003652
-5.62 $2.07M
Mimo Governance(mimo) Price Prediction
2698 International Stable Currency  ISC $1.85
-0.25 $2.07M
International Stable Currency(isc) Price Prediction
2699 AIRian  AIR $0.02012
4.66 $2.07M
AIRian(air) Price Prediction
2702 Reality Metaverse  RMV $0.00279
-1.40 $2.06M
Reality Metaverse(rmv) Price Prediction
2704 tSILVER  TXAG $0.8476
3.18 $1.68M
tSILVER(txag) Price Prediction
2704 Signum  SIGNA $0.0009395
-2.08 $2.05M
Signum(signa) Price Prediction
2705 LUCA  LUCA $1.32
-2.21 $2.04M
LUCA(luca) Price Prediction
2708 Iron Bank EUR  IBEUR $0.6815
-0.64 $2.04M
Iron Bank EUR(ibeur) Price Prediction
2709 Wall Street Memes  WSM $0.001082
-8.41 $2.04M
Wall Street Memes(wsm) Price Prediction
2710 iBTC  IBTC $82,253
-8.17 $2.04M
iBTC(ibtc) Price Prediction
2711 PlayZap  PZP $0.02461
-4.24 $2.04M
PlayZap(pzp) Price Prediction
2712 zkSwap Finance  ZF $0.003754
-15.91 $2.02M
zkSwap Finance(zf) Price Prediction
2714 Unifi Protocol DAO  UNFI $0.2558
-13.50 $2.02M
Unifi Protocol DAO(unfi) Price Prediction
2716 FAYA  FAYA $0.0000001897
-3.89 $2.02M
FAYA(faya) Price Prediction
2717 Verse  VERSE $0.00007755
-8.96 $2.01M
Verse(verse) Price Prediction
2718 Elumia  ELU $0.003789
-2.92 $2.01M
Elumia(elu) Price Prediction
2719 Litecoin Cash  LCC $0.002484
-8.58 $2.02M
Litecoin Cash(lcc) Price Prediction
2720 LanaCoin  LANA $0.0005751
-3.56 $2.02M
LanaCoin(lana) Price Prediction
2722 Colony Avalanche Index  CAI $87.88
-16.11 $2M
Colony Avalanche Index(cai) Price Prediction
2726 Bitcoin 2  BTC2 $0.1118
-29.39 $2.01M
Bitcoin 2(btc2) Price Prediction
2727 Gridcoin  GRC $0.004164
-17.29 $2.01M
Gridcoin(grc) Price Prediction
2728 Ridotto  RDT $0.006355
-4.92 $2.01M
Ridotto(rdt) Price Prediction
2730 Umbrella Network  UMB $0.004647
-9.37 $2M
Umbrella Network(umb) Price Prediction
2731 NMKR  $NMKR $0.00105
-17.69 $1.98M
NMKR($nmkr) Price Prediction
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