Сapitalización del mercado total
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Del País: Estados Unidos Bolsa de valores: NasdaqGM Sector: Servicios de comunicaciones Mercado de valores: precios y cotizaciones

Lista de todas las acciones y valores con precios, capitalizaciones de mercado, P/G y EPS
Nombre Nombre Precio Precio 24h%
7d chart
7d chart
Cap.mercado Сap. del mercado Vol. Volumen bajo en 24h alto en 24h Сap. del mercado PER BPA
Nombre Nombre Precio Precio 24h%
7d chart
7d chart
Cap.mercado Сap. del mercado Vol. Volumen bajo en 24h alto en 24h Сap. del mercado PER BPA
{{ item.name }}  {{ item.symbol }} {{ item.price }} {{ item.price_usd }}
{{ item.change_pct }}
{{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.volume }} {{ item.volume_usd }} {{ item.low }} {{ item.low_usd }} {{ item.high }} {{ item.high_usd }} {{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.pe }} {{ item.eps }} {{ item.eps_usd }}
TechTarget  TTGT $27.89
$796.16M $85.78K $27.8 $28.82 $796.16M 174.31 $0.16
EverQuote  EVER $19.97
$683.57M $502.67K $19.03 $20.04 $683.57M 0 -$1.54
Cardlytics  CDLX $13.57
$598.56M $650.48K $13.55 $14.23 $598.56M 0 -$3.69
Reservoir Media  RSVR $7.77
$503.67M $30.26K $7.65 $8.01 $503.67M 777.00 $0.01
Gravity  GRVY $68.13
$473.43M $30.35K $68.13 $71.14 $473.43M 4.89 $13.93
$355.5M $223.08K $2.61 $2.72 $355.5M 0 -$0.15
Jiayin  JFIN $6.46
$346.81M $50.56K $6.35 $6.61 $346.81M 1.71 $3.77
Saga Communications  SGA $21.81
$136.6M $9.79K $21.8 $22.22 $136.6M 14.07 $1.55
Gaia  GAIA $3.65
$84.77M $8.32K $3.64 $3.73 $84.77M 0 -$0.27
Anghami  ANGH $1.22
$81.37M $137.55K $1.16 $1.24 $81.37M 0 -$0.44
WiMi Hologram Cloud  WIMI $1
$63.21M $1.35M $0.6999 $0.76 $63.21M 0 -$0.51
uCloudlink  UCL $1.44
$58.15M $3.53K $1.52 $1.72 $58.15M 15.50 $0.1
Cumulus Media  CMLS $3.12
$52.54M $53.77K $3.08 $3.34 $52.54M 0 -$6.83
iClick Interactive Asia  ICLK $3.95
$39.11M $6.93K $3.88 $3.95 $39.11M 0 -$17.32
Educational Development  EDUC $2.62
$22.46M $14.37K $2.55 $2.79 $22.46M 131.00 $0.02
Beasley Broadcast  BBGI $0.7199
$21.72M $41.28K $0.7099 $0.7299 $21.72M 0 -$2.51
36Kr  KRKR $0.3699
$14.45M $28.31K $0.3499 $0.38 $14.45M 0 -$0.3
Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment  CSSE $0.16
$5.15M $167.27K $0.14 $0.16 $5.15M 0 -$22.67
Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, Inc.  CSSEP $0.4899
$1.72M $3.93K $0.4899 $0.51 $1.72M 0 -$4.17
GDEV  GDEV $2.25
$444.23M $5.83K $2.22 $2.31 $444.23M 0 -$0.21
Nexxen  TRMR $5.02
$370.1M $0 $0 $0 $370.1M 0 $0
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