Capitalisation boursière totale
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Le pays : États-Unis Bourse : NYSE Secteur : Matériaux de base Industrie : Apports Agricoles Marché boursier - Cotations et cours

Liste de toutes les actions et titres avec cours, capitalisations boursières, ratios P/E et BPA
Nom Nom Prix Prix 24h%
7j Graphique
Cap. du marché Cap. du marché VOL Volume 24h bas 24h de haut Cap. du marché PER BPA
Nom Nom Prix Prix 24h%
7j Graphique
Cap. du marché Cap. du marché VOL Volume 24h bas 24h de haut Cap. du marché PER BPA
{{ item.name }}  {{ item.symbol }} {{ item.price }} {{ item.price_usd }}
{{ item.change_pct }}
{{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.volume }} {{ item.volume_usd }} {{ item.low }} {{ item.low_usd }} {{ item.high }} {{ item.high_usd }} {{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.pe }} {{ item.eps }} {{ item.eps_usd }}
EIDP, Inc.  CTA-PB $71.18
$61.77B $789 $71.18 $71.47 $61.77B 0 $0
Corteva  CTVA $55.01
$37.57B $1.5M $53.65 $55.69 $37.57B 41.35 $1.3
Nutrien  NTR $53.17
$26.35B $365.53K $52.5 $54.37 $26.35B 20.91 $2.53
CF Industries  CF $78.1
$14.66B $3.43M $77.94 $80.83 $14.66B 9.92 $7.87
The Mosaic Company  MOS $28.67
$10.01B $2.05M $30.91 $32.03 $10.01B 8.89 $3.5
FMC  FMC $56.75
$7.08B $2.01M $56.52 $60.79 $7.08B 5.01 $11.31
ICL  ICL $4.73
$6.26B $550.43K $4.73 $4.86 $6.26B 9.46 $0.5
The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company  SMG $69
$3.94B $519.91K $69.04 $71.39 $3.94B 0 -$7.04
CVR Partners, LP  UAN $76.6
$830.24M $16.08K $77.25 $80.23 $830.24M 4.81 $16.31
American Vanguard  AVD $11.69
$336.61M $143.12K $11.63 $12.12 $336.61M 44.96 $0.26
Intrepid Potash  IPI $20.41
$270.63M $164.53K $20.4 $20.85 $270.63M 0 -$2.8
China Green Agriculture  CGA $2.86
$39.53M $2.5K $2.75 $2.95 $39.53M 0 -$1.22
Benson Hill  BHIL $0.1799
$37.7M $1.14M $0.17 $0.2 $37.7M 0 -$0.59
EIDP, Inc.  CTA-PA $56.03
$48.62B $49 $55.71 $56.46 $48.62B 0 $0
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