Сapitalización del mercado total
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BTC 50.38%     ETH 16.54%

Del País: Estados Unidos Bolsa de valores: Other OTC Sector: Servicios financieros Área de negocio: Datos Financieros y Bolsas Mercado de valores: precios y cotizaciones

Lista de todas las acciones y valores con precios, capitalizaciones de mercado, P/G y EPS
Nombre Nombre Precio Precio 24h%
7d chart
7d chart
Cap.mercado Сap. del mercado Vol. Volumen bajo en 24h alto en 24h Сap. del mercado PER BPA
Nombre Nombre Precio Precio 24h%
7d chart
7d chart
Cap.mercado Сap. del mercado Vol. Volumen bajo en 24h alto en 24h Сap. del mercado PER BPA
{{ item.name }}  {{ item.symbol }} {{ item.price }} {{ item.price_usd }}
{{ item.change_pct }}
{{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.volume }} {{ item.volume_usd }} {{ item.low }} {{ item.low_usd }} {{ item.high }} {{ item.high_usd }} {{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.pe }} {{ item.eps }} {{ item.eps_usd }}
London Stock Exchange Group plc  LNSTY $30.02
$63.8B $162.08K $29.51 $30.16 $63.8B 68.22 $0.44
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited  HKXCY $36.46
$46.59B $69.11K $36.01 $37 $46.59B 31.70 $1.15
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing  HKXCF $36.55
$46.34B $1.2K $36.55 $37.12 $46.34B 31.78 $1.15
Deutsche Börse AG  DBOEY $19.97
$37.12B $59.06K $19.93 $20.04 $37.12B 19.38 $1.03
B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão  BOLSY $6.75
$12.57B $26.09K $6.62 $6.75 $12.57B 16.46 $0.41
Japan Exchange Group, Inc.  OSCUF $23.5
$12.24B $60 $23.5 $23.5 $12.24B 31.33 $0.75
Japan Exchange  JPXGY $11.69
$12.23B $48.8K $11.66 $12.07 $12.23B 30.75 $0.38
ASX Limited  ASXFY $41.84
$8.17B $13.29K $41.77 $41.87 $8.17B 25.51 $1.64
TMX  TMXXF $26.79
$7.44B $14.56K $26.79 $26.9 $7.44B 25.03 $1.07
Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, S.A.B. de C.V  BOMXF $1.87
$1.06B $5.1K $1.87 $1.94 $1.06B 11.68 $0.16
OTC Markets  OTCM $51.9
$621.34M $1.95K $51.8 $51.9 $621.34M 23.06 $2.25
QuoteMedia  QMCI $0.2099
$18.91M $2.82K $0.2 $0.2099 $18.91M 0 $0
London Stock Exchange  LDNXF $118.7
$63.06B $9.39K $118.02 $121.87 $63.06B 67.44 $1.76
Deutsche Börse AG  DBOEF $201.47
$37.94B $2 $201.47 $201.47 $37.94B 19.57 $10.29
Euronext  ERNXY $18.81
$10.37B $833 $18.26 $18.81 $10.37B 16.35 $1.15
Euronext N.V.  EUXTF $92.99
$10.33B $3.07K $92.99 $92.99 $10.33B 16.20 $5.74
ASX  ASXFF $41.7
$8.17B $17.42K $41.7 $41.7 $8.17B 25.42 $1.64
Singapore Exchange Limited  SPXCY $104.89
$7.48B $5.04K $104.88 $104.89 $7.48B 18.27 $5.74
Singapore Exchange  SPXCF $6.86
$7.34B $2.46K $6.86 $6.86 $7.34B 18.05 $0.38
Hellenic Exchanges - Athens Stock Exchange S.A.  HEXEY $11.35
$3.43B $264 $11.35 $11.35 $3.43B 23.16 $0.49
Hellenic Exchanges - Athens Stock Exchange S.A.  HEHSF $5.65
$3.41B $1K $5.65 $5.65 $3.41B 26.90 $0.21
Bursa Malaysia Berhad  BSMAF $1.44
$1.32B $22.38K $1.44 $1.44 $1.32B 14.40 $0.1
HNO  HNOI $1.18
$494.99M $1.89K $1.16 $1.18 $494.99M 0 $0
JSE  JSEJF $4.55
$414.09M $135 $4.55 $4.55 $414.09M 8.27 $0.55
NZX  NZSTF $0.65
$221.01M $6.23K $0.65 $0.67 $221.01M 21.77 $0.03
Global Brokerage  GLBR $0.001
$137K $1.04K $0.001 $0.001 $137K 0 -$0.2
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