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Paese: stati Uniti Borsa: NasdaqGM Industria: Banche - nazionali Settore: Finanza Mercato azionario - Quotazioni e prezzi

Elenco di tutte le azioni e i titoli con prezzi, capitalizzazione, PE ed EPS
Nome Nome Prezzo Prezzo 24o%
7g grafico
24o% & 7g
Cap. Mercato Cap. di mercato VOL Volume Min 24h Max 24h Cap. di mercato Rapporto P/E EPS
Nome Nome Prezzo Prezzo 24o%
7g grafico
24o% & 7g
Cap. Mercato Cap. di mercato VOL Volume Min 24h Max 24h Cap. di mercato Rapporto P/E EPS
{{ item.name }}  {{ item.symbol }} {{ item.price }} {{ item.price_usd }}
{{ item.change_pct }}
{{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.volume }} {{ item.volume_usd }} {{ item.low }} {{ item.low_usd }} {{ item.high }} {{ item.high_usd }} {{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.pe }} {{ item.eps }} {{ item.eps_usd }}
Veritex  VBTX $20.7
$1.06B $151.21K $19.18 $19.65 $1.06B 9.85 $1.98
QCR  QCRH $56.08
$942.13M $43.28K $55.12 $56.08 $942.13M 8.33 $6.73
The First Bancshares  FBMS $23.43
$731.44M $60.34K $23.39 $23.66 $731.44M 9.80 $2.39
First Mid Bancshares  FMBH $29.64
$708.08M $38.23K $29.15 $29.64 $708.08M 9.40 $3.15
Amalgamated Financial  AMAL $21.98
$670.39M $84.18K $21.66 $22 $670.39M 7.68 $2.86
Southern Missouri Bancorp  SMBC $40.25
$457.66M $13.86K $39.03 $40.28 $457.66M 10.64 $3.78
Northeast Bank  NBN $51.73
$403.37M $19.65K $51.14 $51.83 $403.37M 7.21 $7.17
Hingham Institution for Savings  HIFS $165.16
$358.46M $19.34K $163.48 $166.6 $358.46M 13.74 $12.02
Mid Penn Bancorp  MPB $19.68
$326.17M $20.27K $19.55 $19.73 $326.17M 8.59 $2.29
First Bank  FRBA $12.4
$311.24M $24.64K $12.32 $12.59 $311.24M 13.05 $0.95
NewtekOne  NEWT $11.36
$280.69M $93.57K $11.31 $11.7 $280.69M 6.04 $1.88
Fidelity D & D Bancorp  FDBC $45.74
$265.5M $2.27K $44 $45.74 $265.5M 14.33 $3.19
Unity Bancorp  UNTY $26.28
$263.96M $35.38K $26.02 $26.7 $263.96M 6.84 $3.84
Primis Financial  FRST $10.58
$261.25M $42.91K $10.52 $10.61 $261.25M 26.44 $0.4
Southern First Bancshares  SFST $26.56
$216.63M $6.34K $26.28 $26.75 $216.63M 16.00 $1.66
USCB Financial  USCB $10.5
$206.33M $7.91K $10.5 $10.69 $206.33M 12.50 $0.84
Codorus Valley Bancorp  CVLY $21.37
$206.06M $13.03K $21.31 $21.43 $206.06M 8.25 $2.59
Timberland Bancorp  TSBK $24.9
$202.26M $9.13K $24.62 $25.14 $202.26M 7.87 $3.16
Ponce Financial Group, Inc.  PDLB $8.1
$192.7M $19.39K $8.01 $8.12 $192.7M 54.00 $0.15
Norwood Financial  NWFL $23.75
$192.62M $9.45K $23.75 $24.29 $192.62M 11.47 $2.07
Bankwell Financial  BWFG $24.1
$191.25M $11.96K $24 $24.6 $191.25M 5.15 $4.67
Colony Bankcorp  CBAN $10.57
$185.59M $17.77K $10.5 $10.66 $185.59M 8.52 $1.24
BCB Bancorp  BCBP $9.78
$165.81M $40.02K $9.76 $9.95 $165.81M 5.75 $1.7
Investar Holding  ISTR $15.7
$153.58M $13.08K $15.5 $15.74 $153.58M 9.28 $1.69
Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina  PEBK $27.7
$151.13M $5.73K $27.57 $27.79 $151.13M 10.00 $2.77
OP Bancorp  OPBK $9.07
$135.65M $12.32K $9.01 $9.09 $135.65M 5.85 $1.55
First Guaranty Bancshares  FGBI $10.09
$126.17M $2.53K $10.02 $10.11 $126.17M 16.27 $0.62
FinWise Bancorp  FINW $9.56
$122.55M $14.93K $9.56 $9.66 $122.55M 7.18 $1.33
Citizens Community Bancorp  CZWI $10.85
$113.46M $5.4K $10.85 $11.05 $113.46M 8.67 $1.25
First Northwest Bancorp  FNWB $11.6
$109.54M $33.72K $11.5 $12.25 $109.54M 44.61 $0.26
Eagle Bancorp Montana  EBMT $12.41
$99.49M $10.59K $12.4 $12.6 $99.49M 9.62 $1.29
Magyar Bancorp  MGYR $10.95
$72.86M $1.8K $10.8 $10.95 $72.86M 60.83 $0.18
AmeriServ Financial  ASRV $2.39
$40.98M $4.98K $2.29 $2.39 $40.98M 0 -$0.2
Zions Bancorporation, National Association  ZIONO $25.29
$0 $11.57K $25.29 $25.36 $0 4.10 $6.17
Zions Bancorporation, National Association  ZIONP $19.92
$0 $2.63K $19.82 $19.95 $0 3.23 $6.17
Union Bankshares  UNB $27.45
$124.06M $5.39K $26.3 $27.89 $124.06M 11.06 $2.48
Ohio Valley Banc  OVBC $24.14
$115.72M $196 $24.14 $24.14 $115.72M 9.10 $2.65
CB Financial Services  CBFV $21.34
$109.75M $1.34K $21 $21.4 $109.75M 4.84 $4.4
Landmark Bancorp  LARK $19.32
$105.66M $804 $19.01 $19.32 $105.66M 8.66 $2.23
HMN Financial  HMNF $19.88
$88.72M $276 $19.88 $19.88 $88.72M 14.51 $1.37
Summit State Bank  SSBI $9.8
$66.48M $4.63K $9.71 $10.14 $66.48M 6.04 $1.62
Auburn National Bancorporation  AUBN $17.62
$61.56M $1.88K $17.5 $17.98 $61.56M 44.05 $0.4
Lake Shore Bancorp  LSBK $10.68
$60.71M $2.04K $10.5 $10.75 $60.71M 13.02 $0.82
Kentucky First Federal Bancorp  KFFB $3.84
$31.05M $392 $3.83 $3.84 $31.05M 0 -$0.05
Patriot National Bancorp  PNBK $3.82
$15.2M $126 $3.82 $3.82 $15.2M 0 -$1.05
County Bancorp  ICBK $35.25
$0 $9.59K $35.25 $35.86 $0 0 $0
SVB Financial  SIVB $106.04
$0 $11.49M $106.04 $106.04 $0 0 $0
Community Savings Bancorp  CCSB $20.08
$0 $100 $20.03 $20.08 $0 0 $0
First Guaranty Bancshares  FGBIP $18.74
$0 $1.18K $18.5 $19.39 $0 7.19 $2.6
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