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Country: United States Exchange: NasdaqCM Industry: Medical Instruments & Supplies Stock Market - Quotes & Prices

List of all Stocks and Equities with Prices, Market Capitalizations, PE and EPS
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Medical Instruments & Supplies (19)
Name Name Price Price 24h%
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M.Cap Market Cap VOL Volume 24h low 24h high Market Cap P/E Ratio EPS
Name Name Price Price 24h%
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24h% & 7d
M.Cap Market Cap VOL Volume 24h low 24h high Market Cap P/E Ratio EPS
{{ item.name }}  {{ item.symbol }} {{ item.price }} {{ item.price_usd }}
{{ item.change_pct }}
{{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.volume }} {{ item.volume_usd }} {{ item.low }} {{ item.low_usd }} {{ item.high }} {{ item.high_usd }} {{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.pe }} {{ item.eps }} {{ item.eps_usd }}
BioLife  BLFS $25.75
$1.2B $200.91K $24.18 $26.69 $1.2B 0 -$1.11
Pulse Biosciences  PLSE $18.07
$1.11B $80.26K $17.66 $18.5 $1.11B 0 -$0.83
Sanara MedTech  SMTI $33.7
$297.21M $26.43K $33.49 $35.21 $297.21M 0 -$0.98
KORU Medical Systems  KRMD $3.36
$154.01M $135.58K $3.35 $3.53 $154.01M 0 -$0.26
Pro-Dex  PDEX $36.95
$120.48M $26.75K $35.13 $39.99 $120.48M 18.75 $1.97
Zentek  ZTEK $1
$104.71M $7.56K $0.92 $1 $104.71M 0 -$0.08
Microbot Medical  MBOT $1.36
$47.25M $1.11M $1.32 $1.48 $47.25M 0 -$0.8
Daxor  DXR $7.78
$37.65M $3.76K $7.6 $7.78 $37.65M 6.70 $1.16
Femasys  FEMY $1.58
$36.18M $43.73K $1.54 $1.62 $36.18M 0 -$0.81
$19.77M $77.5K $2.85 $3.21 $19.77M 0 -$0.59
Nephros  NEPH $1.44
$15.49M $14.87K $1.44 $1.49 $15.49M 0 -$0.09
Ekso Bionics  EKSO $0.51
$11.22M $121.04K $0.5 $0.55 $11.22M 0 -$0.64
Bionano Genomics  BNGO $4
$9.36M $176.71K $3.95 $4.39 $9.36M 0 -$137.5
Predictive Oncology  POAI $1.26
$9.08M $759.68K $1.24 $1.47 $9.08M 0 -$2.96
GlucoTrack  GCTK $0.34
$3.55M $572.95K $0.33 $0.3699 $3.55M 0 -$58.4
Avinger  AVGR $0.4699
$1.52M $2.59M $0.46 $0.6099 $1.52M 0 -$8.76
Singular Genomics Systems  OMIC $20.01
$50.77M $0 $0 $0 $50.77M 0 $0
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