Capitalisation boursière totale
Volume total
BTC 58.18%     ETH 8.79%
Ebisu's Bay

Volume d'échange de cryptomonnaies sur Ebisu's Bay

Volume de trading sur 24h
# Cryptomonnaie Paire Cours Volume sur 24h Volume %
1 puush da button puush da button PUUSH/WCRO $0.0000000426 $5.85K 25.45%
2 Fortune Token Fortune Token FRTN/WCRO $0.001617 $5.43K 23.64%
3 Wrapped CRO Wrapped CRO WCRO/USDC $0.0716 $4.15K 18.08%
4 Fortune Token Fortune Token FRTN/USDC $0.001617 $3.77K 16.39%
5 ryoshi with knife ryoshi with knife RYOSHI/WCRO $0.00000000024 $3.38K 14.72%
6 crow with knife crow with knife CAW/WCRO $0.00000002241 $137.44 0.6%
7 Croginal Cats Croginal Cats CROGINAL/WCRO $0.0001085 $80.68 0.35%
8 crow with knife crow with knife CAW/USDC $0.00000002836 $65.4 0.28%
9 Robin on Cronos Robin on Cronos ROBIN/WCRO $0.0000008609 $38.19 0.17%
10 ryoshi with knife ryoshi with knife RYOSHI/FRTN $0.00000000024 $31.97 0.14%
11 President Platy President Platy PLATY/WCRO $0.0002322 $22.21 0.1%
12 Crononymous Crononymous CRONON/WCRO $0.00000008966 $15.61 0.07%
13 MAD Bucks MAD Bucks MAD/WCRO $0.006318 $3.86 0.02%
14 IcyCRO IcyCRO ICY/LCRO $0.02152 $1.41 0.01%
15 Moonflow Moonflow MOON/WCRO $0.0003737 $0 0%
16 LetsCRO LetsCRO LFC/WCRO $0.0000002306 $0 0%
17 ryoshi with knife ryoshi with knife RYOSHI/MERY $0.000000000465 $0 0%
18 ryoshi with knife ryoshi with knife RYOSHI/RIP $0.000000004087 $0 0%
19 Liquid CRO Liquid CRO LCRO/WCRO $0.1807 $0 0%
20 ryoshi with knife ryoshi with knife RYOSHI/CAW $0.000000001142 $0 0%
21 Scratch Scratch SCRATCH/PUUSH $0.005045 $0 0%
22 ryoshi with knife ryoshi with knife RYOSHI/PUUSH $0.000000004145 $0 0%
23 ryoshi with knife ryoshi with knife RYOSHI/CORGIAI $0.000000003437 $0 0%
24 puush da button puush da button PUUSH/USDC $0.0000005302 $0 0%
25 ryoshi with knife ryoshi with knife RYOSHI/USDC $0.000000000894 $0 0%
26 CroFam CroFam CROFAM/WCRO $0.000003809 $0 0%
27 IcyCRO IcyCRO ICY/WCRO $0.02197 $0 0%
28 Bored Candy City Bored Candy City CANDY/WCRO $0.01214 $0 0%
29 Grave Grave GRVE/WCRO $0.07331 $0 0%
30 Bonded Cronos Bonded Cronos BCRO/WCRO $0.1424 $0 0%
31 Scratch Scratch SCRATCH/WCRO $0.006408 $0 0%
32 Sonorc Sonorc SONORC/WCRO $0.000002606 $0 0%
33 Mistery Mistery MERY/WCRO $0.00001557 $0 0%
34 skull with ripped hood skull with ripped hood RIP/WCRO $0.000000000321 $0 0%
35 GoodMorning GoodMorning GM/WCRO $0.00005565 $0 0%
36 ryoshi with knife ryoshi with knife RYOSHI/VVS $0.000000002023 $0 0%
37 Liquid CRO Liquid CRO LCRO/BCRO $0.1407 $0 0%

Vue d'ensemble (Ebisu's Bay)

Ebisu's Bay présente un volume d'échange de $98,209.4 au cours des dernières 24 heures. Ebisu's Bay a été enregistrée dans ce pays (). 37 paires de trading sont négociées sur Ebisu's Bay.

Q/R concernant la plateforme Ebisu's Bay

Quel est le volume d'échange sur Ebisu's Bay ? Ebisu's Bay présente un volume d'échange de $98,209.4.
Dans quel pays la plateforme Ebisu's Bay est-elle enregistrée ? La plateforme Ebisu's Bay est enregistrée dans le pays suivant :
Combien de paires de trading sont négociées sur Ebisu's Bay ? 37 paires de trading sont négociées sur la plateforme Ebisu's Bay.