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Del País: Estados Unidos Bolsa de valores: NasdaqCM Sector: Productos de consumo defensivos Mercado de valores: precios y cotizaciones

Lista de todas las acciones y valores con precios, capitalizaciones de mercado, P/G y EPS
Nombre Nombre Precio Precio 24h%
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7d chart
Cap.mercado Сap. del mercado Vol. Volumen bajo en 24h alto en 24h Сap. del mercado PER BPA
Nombre Nombre Precio Precio 24h%
7d chart
7d chart
Cap.mercado Сap. del mercado Vol. Volumen bajo en 24h alto en 24h Сap. del mercado PER BPA
{{ item.name }}  {{ item.symbol }} {{ item.price }} {{ item.price_usd }}
{{ item.change_pct }}
{{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.volume }} {{ item.volume_usd }} {{ item.low }} {{ item.low_usd }} {{ item.high }} {{ item.high_usd }} {{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.pe }} {{ item.eps }} {{ item.eps_usd }}
Celsius  CELH $93.02
$21.68B $2.37M $91.86 $93.55 $21.68B 102.21 $0.91
The Simply Good Foods Company  SMPL $37.53
$3.75B $908.35K $36.86 $37.55 $3.75B 27.00 $1.39
SNDL  SNDL $2.46
$647.45M $10.33M $2.44 $2.74 $647.45M 0 -$0.39
The Beauty Health Company  SKIN $2.75
$339.37M $951.99K $2.69 $2.78 $339.37M 0 -$0.71
Nature's Sunshine Products  NATR $15.6
$292.18M $66.95K $15.46 $15.82 $292.18M 18.35 $0.85
Whole Earth Brands  FREE $4.82
$208.21M $78.7K $4.82 $4.84 $208.21M 0 -$0.65
Sow Good  SOWG $16.96
$172.02M $144.26K $15.92 $18.08 $172.02M 0 -$0.59
HF Foods  HFFG $2.97
$156.25M $29.83K $2.91 $2.99 $156.25M 49.50 $0.06
Village Farms  VFF $1.26
$138.91M $2.08M $1.26 $1.48 $138.91M 0 -$0.26
FitLife Brands  FTLF $27.75
$127.6M $3.08K $27.23 $28.75 $127.6M 25.69 $1.08
LifeVantage  LFVN $6.78
$86.11M $60.3K $6.71 $7.44 $86.11M 24.21 $0.28
Barfresh Food  BRFH $1.64
$24.14M $49.96K $1.62 $1.79 $24.14M 0 -$0.21
Bit Origin  BTOG $3.52
$22.18M $1.42M $2.52 $3.91 $22.18M 0 -$9.28
S&W Seed Company  SANW $0.38
$16.46M $40.72K $0.3699 $0.4099 $16.46M 1.26 $0.3
Vintage Wine Estates  VWE $0.26
$15.69M $272.54K $0.25 $0.3499 $15.69M 0 -$2.11
Skillful Craftsman Education Technology  EDTK $0.92
$14.21M $5.73K $0.92 $0.93 $14.21M 0 -$1.22
Nocera  NCRA $1.02
$13.83M $5.64K $1.02 $1.12 $13.83M 0 -$0.44
EpicQuest Education  EEIQ $1.05
$13.02M $1.62K $0.9 $1.05 $13.02M 0 -$0.58
TDH  PETZ $1.18
$12.18M $12.74K $1.1 $1.18 $12.18M 0 -$0.83
22nd Century  XXII $1.39
$10.98M $420.53K $1.39 $1.53 $10.98M 0 -$49.92
Yoshitsu  TKLF $0.22
$9.2M $652.38K $0.2099 $0.2399 $9.2M 0 -$0.18
Kaival Brands Innovations  KAVL $3.12
$8.93M $80.98K $2.84 $3.27 $8.93M 0 -$3.77
Wah Fu Education  WAFU $1.97
$8.76M $98.51K $1.85 $2.1 $8.76M 32.89 $0.06
Coffee Holding  JVA $1.45
$8.28M $34.35K $1.41 $1.48 $8.28M 0 $0
AquaBounty  AQB $1.82
$7.02M $17.23K $1.82 $2 $7.02M 0 -$7.17
Stryve Foods  SNAX $1.58
$6.44M $9.16K $1.5 $1.77 $6.44M 0 -$8.59
Shineco  SISI $0.9599
$6.16M $248.98K $0.8 $0.9599 $6.16M 0 $0
Farmmi  FAMI $0.9
$5.65M $409.47K $0.7399 $0.9399 $5.65M 0.37 $2.4
Tantech  TANH $0.66
$5.45M $4.05M $0.5799 $0.78 $5.45M 0.47 $1.37
Arcadia Biosciences  RKDA $3.05
$4.16M $63.09K $3.01 $3.27 $4.16M 0 -$1.77
China Liberal Education  CLEU $1.21
$4.06M $92.02K $1.12 $1.25 $4.06M 0 -$370.6
Blue Star Foods  BSFC $3.79
$3.61M $60.09M $0.07 $0.1199 $3.61M 0 -$44
Bon Natural Life  BON $2.53
$3.53M $30.95K $2.45 $2.75 $3.53M 0.50 $5
NuZee  NUZE $2.25
$3.39M $40.84K $2.14 $2.36 $3.39M 0 -$10.56
AgriFORCE Growing Systems  AGRI $0.1
$2.61M $42.18M $0.08999 $0.16 $2.61M 0 -$505.5
Greenlane  GNLN $0.5699
$2.13M $344.73K $0.56 $0.6199 $2.13M 0.0050 $114.04
Eastside Distilling  EAST $0.9699
$1.66M $120.23K $0.9599 $1.05 $1.66M 0 -$7.04
Hostess Brands  TWNK $33.3
$4.43B $0 $0 $0 $4.43B 0 $0
G. Willi-Food  WILC $9.39
$130.21M $5.24K $9.39 $9.48 $130.21M 15.14 $0.62
Willamette Valley Vineyards, Inc.  WVVIP $3.95
$30.18M $1.62K $3.88 $3.95 $30.18M 29.28 $0.14
Willamette Valley Vineyards  WVVI $4.21
$20.9M $1.21K $4.21 $4.36 $20.9M 0 -$0.62
Tarena  TEDU $1.13
$12.16M $0 $0 $0 $12.16M 0 $0
AgriFORCE Growing Systems  AGRIW $0.005799
$0 $8.65K $0.005799 $0.005799 $0 0 -$0.76
Missfresh  MF $1
$0 $87.85K $0.89 $1.04 $0 0 $0
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