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Country: United States Exchange: OTC Markets OTCQX Sector: Energy Industry: Uranium Stock Market - Quotes & Prices

List of all Stocks and Equities with Prices, Market Capitalizations, PE and EPS
Name Name Price Price 24h%
7d chart
24h% & 7d
M.Cap Market Cap VOL Volume 24h low 24h high Market Cap P/E Ratio EPS
Name Name Price Price 24h%
7d chart
24h% & 7d
M.Cap Market Cap VOL Volume 24h low 24h high Market Cap P/E Ratio EPS
{{ item.name }}  {{ item.symbol }} {{ item.price }} {{ item.price_usd }}
{{ item.change_pct }}
{{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.volume }} {{ item.volume_usd }} {{ item.low }} {{ item.low_usd }} {{ item.high }} {{ item.high_usd }} {{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.pe }} {{ item.eps }} {{ item.eps_usd }}
Sprott Physical Uranium Trust Fund  SRUUF $13.75
$3.69B $155.89K $13.65 $14.65 $3.69B 1.91 $7.17
Paladin Energy  PALAF $4.2
$1.71B $50.34K $4.25 $4.43 $1.71B 0 -$0.04
Deep Yellow  DYLLF $0.63
$612.52M $21.28K $0.65 $0.66 $612.52M 0 -$0.01
IsoEnergy  ISENF $1.43
$265.54M $28.51K $1.41 $1.58 $265.54M 0 -$0.16
Bannerman Energy  BNNLF $1.4
$251.94M $8.5K $1.37 $1.45 $251.94M 0 -$0.04
Laramide Resources  LMRXF $0.3499
$88.64M $79K $0.34 $0.3599 $88.64M 0 -$0.01
Elevate Uranium  ELVUF $0.1199
$56.5M $7.5K $0.1199 $0.1199 $56.5M 0 -$0.02
Western Uranium & Vanadium  WSTRF $0.6099
$36.21M $63.49K $0.5799 $0.65 $36.21M 0 -$0.18
Yellow Cake  YLLXF $5.9
$1.28B $1.2K $5.87 $5.9 $1.28B 7.46 $0.79
  FCUUF $0.5
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0
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