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Shibaswap (Ethereum)

Shibaswap (Ethereum) Cryptocurrency Exchange Trade Volume

24h trading volume
# Coin Pair Price 24h volume Volume %
1 Shiba Inu Shiba Inu SHIB/WETH $0.00001426 $197.96K 46.69%
2 Bone ShibaSwap Bone ShibaSwap BONE/WETH $0.4259 $122.19K 28.82%
3 Doge Killer Doge Killer LEASH/WETH $270.19 $39.55K 9.33%
4 Shiba Inu Shiba Inu SHIB/BONE $0.00001423 $18.31K 4.32%
5 Sheboshis Sheboshis SHEB/WETH $59.4 $7.56K 1.78%
6 Ryoshis Vision Ryoshis Vision RYOSHI/WETH $0.000000005314 $4.18K 0.99%
7 Vectorspace AI Vectorspace AI VXV/WETH $0.3924 $3.97K 0.94%
8 Doge Killer Doge Killer LEASH/XFUND $270.19 $3.95K 0.93%
9 xFUND xFUND XFUND/WETH $295 $2.77K 0.65%
10 Doge Killer Doge Killer LEASH/BONE $268.41 $2.63K 0.62%
11 USDC USDC USDC/WETH $0.9966 $2.3K 0.54%
12 Dai Dai DAI/WETH $0.9992 $2.23K 0.53%
13 Shiba Inu Shiba Inu SHIB/USDC $0.0000142 $1.88K 0.44%
14 Shiba Inu Shiba Inu SHIB/USDT $0.00001414 $1.8K 0.42%
15 Cross-Chain BCH Cross-Chain BCH CCBCH/WETH $344.47 $1.75K 0.41%
16 WETH WETH WETH/USDT $2,466.6 $1.6K 0.38%
17 Treat Token Treat Token TREAT/WETH $0.0006345 $1.4K 0.33%
18 Koyo Koyo KOY/WETH $0.0007987 $1.01K 0.24%
19 Doge Killer Doge Killer LEASH/SHIB $268.9 $999.58 0.24%
20 Wrapped Bitcoin Wrapped Bitcoin WBTC/WETH $63,684.41 $771.51 0.18%
21 Shiba Inu Shiba Inu SHIB/TREAT $0.00001426 $624.77 0.15%
22 Bad Idea AI Bad Idea AI BAD/WETH $0.00000001179 $535.31 0.13%
23 K9 Finance DAO K9 Finance DAO KNINE/WETH $0.00001564 $511.4 0.12%
24 Bone ShibaSwap Bone ShibaSwap BONE/TREAT $0.4259 $352.5 0.08%
25 Civilization Civilization CIV/WETH $0.00417 $350.11 0.08%
26 Uniswap Uniswap UNI/WETH $6.91 $309.01 0.07%
27 Voxel X Network Voxel X Network VXL/WETH $0.0007817 $285.32 0.07%
28 Shina Inu Shina Inu SHI/WETH $0.0000004072 $278.05 0.07%
29 PAWZONE PAWZONE PAW/WETH $0.000001233 $271.18 0.06%
30 StarLink StarLink STARL/WETH $0.0000008424 $201.79 0.05%
31 xFUND xFUND XFUND/FUND $291.43 $171.3 0.04%
32 Million Million MM/SHIB $1.27 $129.66 0.03%
33 Dogelon Mars Dogelon Mars ELON/WETH $0.0000001332 $110.75 0.03%
34 VEMP VEMP VEMP/WETH $0.004021 $99.22 0.02%
35 Sushi Sushi SUSHI/WETH $0.6692 $89.91 0.02%
36 Polygon Polygon MATIC/SHIB $0.4063 $75.46 0.02%
37 Shibaverse Shibaverse VERSE/WETH $0.00007501 $75.04 0.02%
38 Dogelon Mars Dogelon Mars ELON/SHIB $0.0000001343 $72.96 0.02%
39 Calcium Calcium CAL/WETH $0.001902 $63.33 0.01%
40 The Graph The Graph GRT/WETH $0.1491 $62.55 0.01%

Shibaswap (Ethereum) Review

Shibaswap (Ethereum) has $415,239.25 trading volume in last 24 hours. Shibaswap (Ethereum) was registered in . There are 238 trading pairs are traded on Shibaswap (Ethereum).

Q&A For Shibaswap (Ethereum) Exchange

What is the trading volume on Shibaswap (Ethereum)? Shibaswap (Ethereum) has $415,239.25 trading volume.
In which country is Shibaswap (Ethereum) registered? Shibaswap (Ethereum) registered in .
How many trading pairs are traded on Shibaswap (Ethereum)? 238 trading pairs are traded on Shibaswap (Ethereum).