Total marketcap
Total volume
BTC 53.64%     ETH 13.48%

USDC to WBTC Exchange Rate - 1 USDC in Wrapped Bitcoin

  • BTC 0.000017
  • ETH 0.0004
Vol [24h]

usdc to wbtc converter


Sorry, that's all we've gotfor now...
Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
Curve (Ethereum) USDC/WBTC $1 $1.5M
OpenOcean USDC/WBTC $1.02 $13.2K
SpookySwap USDC/WBTC $2.65 $0
PancakeSwap V3 (Arbitrum) USDC/WBTC $0.9609 $0
Trader Joe USDC/WBTC $0.9903 $0
Osmosis USDC/WBTC $1.1 $0
Beethoven X USDC/WBTC $0.1665 $0
Uniswap V3 (Arbitrum One) USDC/WBTC $0.9609 $0
Cellana Finance USDC/WBTC $0.8141 $0
Uniswap V3 (Polygon) USDC/WBTC $0.9694 $0

USDC/WBTC Exchange Rate Overview

Name Ticker Price % 24h 24h high 24h low 24h volume
USDC usdc $1 0.1126% $1 $0.9923 $6.32B
Wrapped Bitcoin wbtc $56,276 -0.6212% $57,950 $56,322 $125.63M

Selling 1 USDC you get 0.000017 Wrapped Bitcoin wbtc.

USDC May 8, 2019 had the highest price, at that time trading at its all-time high of $1.17.

1953 days have passed since then, and now the price is -14.80% of the maximum.

Based on the table data, the USDC vs WBTC exchange volume is $1,494,534.65.

Using the calculator/converter on this page, you can make the necessary calculations with a pair of USDC/Wrapped Bitcoin.


What is the current USDC to WBTC exchange rate?

Right now, the USDC/WBTC exchange rate is 0.000017.

What has been the USDC to Wrapped Bitcoin trading volume in the last 24 hours?

Relying on the table data, the USDC to Wrapped Bitcoin exchange volume is $1,494,534.65.

How can I calculate the amount of WBTC? / How do I convert my USDC to Wrapped Bitcoin?

You can calculate/convert WBTC from USDC to Wrapped Bitcoin converter. Also, you can select other currencies from the drop-down list.

USDC to WBTC Сonversion Table

0.6 USDC = 0.00001 WBTC
1 USDC = 0.00001 WBTC
2 USDC = 0.00003 WBTC
4 USDC = 0.00007 WBTC
6 USDC = 0.0001 WBTC
20 USDC = 0.0003 WBTC
20 USDC = 0.0003 WBTC
60 USDC = 0.001 WBTC
200 USDC = 0.003 WBTC
2000 USDC = 0.03 WBTC
20000 USDC = 0.3 WBTC
200000 USDC = 3.5 WBTC
2000000 USDC = 35.3 WBTC


Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
PancakeSwap V3 (Arbitrum) USDC/WBTC $0.9993 $386.57K
Camelot V3 USDC/WBTC $1 $1.01K
Uniswap V3 (Arbitrum One) USDC/WBTC $0.9954 $100.07


Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
Uniswap V3 (Polygon) USDC/WBTC $1 $187.89K
Quickswap (v3) USDC/WBTC $1 $146.98K
Balancer V2 (Polygon) USDC/WBTC $0.9982 $370.45


Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
Uniswap V3 (Optimism) USDC/WBTC $1 $67.39K
Matcha (Optimism) USDC/WBTC $0.9756 $1.12K


Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
Meteora USDC/WBTC $1 $34.01K

Bridged USDC

Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
Osmosis USDC/WBTC $1 $6.94K

Multichain Bridged USDC (Fantom)

Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
Beethoven X USDC/WBTC $0.1067 $1.13K

Polygon Hermez Bridged USDC (Polygon zkEVM)

Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
Quickswap (Polygon zkEVM) USDC/WBTC $0.9886 $146.87


Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
Pangolin USDC/WBTC $0.9716 $64.46

Polygon Hermez Bridged USDC (Polygon zkEVM)

Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
Quickswap (Polygon zkEVM) USDC/WBTC $0.997 $0

Multichain Bridged USDC (Fantom)

Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
Beethoven X USDC/WBTC $0.1005 $0

Rainbow Bridged USDC (Aurora)

Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
Polaris USDC/WBTC $1.09 $0

Avalanche Bridged USDC (Avalanche)

Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
HakuSwap USDC/WBTC $1.55 $0
Trader Joe USDC/WBTC $2.11 $0