Total marketcap
Total volume
BTC 54.54%     ETH 12.97%

XRP to WBNB Exchange Rate - 1 Binance-Peg XRP in Wrapped BNB

  • BTC 0.0000099
  • ETH 0.0003
Vol [24h]

xrp to wbnb converter


Sorry, that's all we've gotfor now...
Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
PancakeSwap V3 (BSC) XRP/WBNB $0.5883 $408.38K
Unchain X XRP/WBNB $0.5883 $224.37K
PancakeSwap (v2) XRP/WBNB $0.5877 $40.06K
Biswap V3 XRP/WBNB $0.5854 $30.33K
Biswap XRP/WBNB $0.5883 $2.03K
ApeSwap XRP/WBNB $0.5889 $1.16K
PancakeSwap V1 (BSC) XRP/WBNB $0.5889 $662.82
Uniswap V3 (BSC) XRP/WBNB $0.5877 $141.68
SaitaSwap (BSC) XRP/WBNB $0.5883 $23.24

XRP/WBNB Exchange Rate Overview

Name Ticker Price % 24h 24h high 24h low 24h volume
Binance-Peg XRP xrp $0.5856 2.5156% $0.5896 $0.5648 $868.49K
Wrapped BNB wbnb $542.76 -0.8338% $549.34 $528.5 $204M

Selling 1 XRP you get 0.001082 Wrapped BNB wbnb.

Binance-Peg XRP May 18, 2021 had the highest price, at that time trading at its all-time high of $1.66.

1218 days have passed since then, and now the price is -64.74% of the maximum.

Based on the table data, the XRP vs WBNB exchange volume is $700,091.63.

Using the calculator/converter on this page, you can make the necessary calculations with a pair of Binance-Peg XRP/Wrapped BNB.


What is the current XRP to WBNB exchange rate?

Right now, the XRP/WBNB exchange rate is 0.001082.

What has been the Binance-Peg XRP to Wrapped BNB trading volume in the last 24 hours?

Relying on the table data, the Binance-Peg XRP to Wrapped BNB exchange volume is $700,091.63.

How can I calculate the amount of WBNB? / How do I convert my Binance-Peg XRP to Wrapped BNB?

You can calculate/convert WBNB from Binance-Peg XRP to Wrapped BNB converter. Also, you can select other currencies from the drop-down list.

XRP to WBNB Сonversion Table

0.9 XRP = 0.0009 WBNB
2 XRP = 0.002 WBNB
4 XRP = 0.004 WBNB
6 XRP = 0.006 WBNB
9 XRP = 0.009 WBNB
20 XRP = 0.02 WBNB
30 XRP = 0.03 WBNB
100 XRP = 0.1 WBNB
200 XRP = 0.2 WBNB
2000 XRP = 2.1 WBNB
20000 XRP = 21.6 WBNB
200000 XRP = 216.4 WBNB
2000000 XRP = 2,164.6 WBNB


Exchange Pair Price 24h volume
PancakeSwap XRP/WBNB $0.6264 $0
OpenOcean XRP/WBNB $0.8938 $0
PantherSwap XRP/WBNB $0 $0
WaultSwap XRP/WBNB $0 $0