Сapitalización del mercado total
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Del País: Estados Unidos Bolsa de valores: NasdaqGM Sector: Servicios financieros Área de negocio: Bancos-Regional Mercado de valores: precios y cotizaciones

Lista de todas las acciones y valores con precios, capitalizaciones de mercado, P/G y EPS
Nombre Nombre Precio Precio 24h%
7d chart
7d chart
Cap.mercado Сap. del mercado Vol. Volumen bajo en 24h alto en 24h Сap. del mercado PER BPA
Nombre Nombre Precio Precio 24h%
7d chart
7d chart
Cap.mercado Сap. del mercado Vol. Volumen bajo en 24h alto en 24h Сap. del mercado PER BPA
{{ item.name }}  {{ item.symbol }} {{ item.price }} {{ item.price_usd }}
{{ item.change_pct }}
{{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.volume }} {{ item.volume_usd }} {{ item.low }} {{ item.low_usd }} {{ item.high }} {{ item.high_usd }} {{ item.marketcap }} {{ item.marketcap_usd }} {{ item.pe }} {{ item.eps }} {{ item.eps_usd }}
Veritex  VBTX $21.75
$1.19B $205.07K $21.19 $21.84 $1.19B 12.64 $1.72
$1.01B $19.54K $59.32 $60.02 $1.01B 8.94 $6.71
The First Bancshares  FBMS $25.84
$806.69M $22.96K $25.64 $25.87 $806.69M 10.25 $2.52
First Mid Bancshares  FMBH $33.37
$797.3M $9.86K $33.03 $33.44 $797.3M 10.83 $3.08
Amalgamated Financial  AMAL $25.78
$786.91M $9.02K $25.65 $25.79 $786.91M 8.42 $3.06
Southern Missouri Bancorp  SMBC $43.5
$493.9M $4.5K $43.5 $43.55 $493.9M 9.33 $4.66
Northeast Bank  NBN $57.03
$454.93M $727 $57.03 $57.03 $454.93M 7.83 $7.28
Hingham Institution for Savings  HIFS $185.1
$403.56M $5.83K $184.52 $186.2 $403.56M 16.42 $11.27
Mid Penn Bancorp  MPB $22.28
$371.75M $14.57K $21.02 $22.38 $371.75M 9.64 $2.31
NewtekOne  NEWT $13.3
$328.96M $38.21K $13.3 $13.68 $328.96M 8.80 $1.51
First Bank  FRBA $12.59
$316.44M $3.53K $12.53 $12.63 $316.44M 11.55 $1.09
Unity Bancorp  UNTY $27.66
$277.68M $12.84K $27.08 $28.99 $277.68M 7.25 $3.81
Primis Financial  FRST $10.78
$266.07M $7.91K $10.68 $10.79 $266.07M 26.93 $0.4
USCB Financial  USCB $12.3
$241.76M $22.28K $12.05 $12.6 $241.76M 15.76 $0.78
Southern First Bancshares  SFST $29
$236.53M $1.3K $28.89 $29 $236.53M 17.68 $1.64
Codorus Valley Bancorp  CVLY $22.6
$218.37M $5.63K $22.45 $22.64 $218.37M 9.82 $2.3
Colony Bankcorp  CBAN $12.04
$211.41M $3.84K $11.86 $12.05 $211.41M 9.63 $1.25
Timberland Bancorp  TSBK $26.09
$209.31M $431 $26.09 $26.09 $209.31M 8.52 $3.06
Norwood Financial  NWFL $24.49
$198.33M $210 $24.49 $24.49 $198.33M 12.82 $1.91
Ponce Financial Group, Inc.  PDLB $8.78
$196.75M $1.71K $8.63 $8.78 $196.75M 35.11 $0.25
Bankwell Financial  BWFG $24.29
$191.85M $2.14K $24.05 $24.39 $191.85M 6.35 $3.82
BCB Bancorp  BCBP $10.63
$180.26M $4.38K $10.63 $10.78 $180.26M 6.81 $1.56
Investar Holding  ISTR $16.2
$159.23M $3.83K $16.2 $16.23 $159.23M 9.05 $1.79
Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina  PEBK $29.9
$158.2M $4.51K $29.74 $30.51 $158.2M 10.20 $2.93
OP Bancorp  OPBK $10.14
$151.87M $2.68K $10.09 $10.14 $151.87M 7.18 $1.41
First Guaranty Bancshares  FGBI $11.42
$142.8M $646 $11.42 $11.6 $142.8M 23.30 $0.49
FinWise Bancorp  FINW $10.52
$134.59M $6.34K $10.52 $10.6 $134.59M 8.15 $1.29
Citizens Community Bancorp  CZWI $11.64
$121.13M $351 $11.64 $11.64 $121.13M 9.02 $1.29
First Northwest Bancorp  FNWB $11.21
$105.85M $924 $11.21 $11.21 $105.85M 0 -$0.09
Eagle Bancorp Montana  EBMT $13.06
$104.7M $6.52K $13.06 $13.38 $104.7M 11.76 $1.11
HMN Financial  HMNF $22.8
$101.8M $3.18K $22.58 $23.18 $101.8M 17.53 $1.3
Magyar Bancorp  MGYR $11.1
$73.19M $1.9K $11.05 $11.1 $73.19M 55.50 $0.2
Summit State Bank  SSBI $8.77
$59.5M $15.98K $8.77 $8.89 $59.5M 7.24 $1.21
AmeriServ Financial  ASRV $2.86
$49.04M $6.33K $2.81 $2.86 $49.04M 0 -$0.18
Zions Bancorporation, National Association  ZIONO $25.89
$0 $2.7K $25.8 $25.89 $0 4.19 $6.17
Community Savings Bancorp  CCSB $20.22
$0 $576 $20.22 $20.22 $0 0 $0
Zions Bancorporation, National Association  ZIONP $21.22
$0 $3.68K $21.22 $21.39 $0 3.44 $6.17
Fidelity D & D Bancorp  FDBC $47.2
$270.73M $208 $47.2 $47.2 $270.73M 16.67 $2.83
CB Financial Services  CBFV $22.77
$117.09M $134 $22.77 $22.77 $117.09M 5.16 $4.41
Ohio Valley Banc  OVBC $23.65
$113.37M $205 $23.65 $23.65 $113.37M 9.81 $2.41
Union Bankshares  UNB $24.2
$109.37M $2.71K $23.56 $24.21 $109.37M 10.29 $2.35
Landmark Bancorp  LARK $18.98
$103.89M $755 $18.98 $18.98 $103.89M 8.51 $2.23
Lake Shore Bancorp  LSBK $12.33
$70.74M $88 $12.33 $12.33 $70.74M 17.61 $0.7
Auburn National Bancorporation  AUBN $18.48
$64.56M $3.53K $18.48 $19.43 $64.56M 80.34 $0.23
Kentucky First Federal Bancorp  KFFB $3.46
$27.98M $354 $3.46 $3.46 $27.98M 0 -$0.05
Patriot National Bancorp  PNBK $3.02
$12.01M $12.29K $2.82 $3.5 $12.01M 0 -$0.95
County Bancorp  ICBK $35.25
$0 $9.59K $35.25 $35.86 $0 0 $0
SVB Financial  SIVB $106.04
$0 $11.49M $106.04 $106.04 $0 0 $0
First Guaranty Bancshares  FGBIP $19.66
$0 $687 $19.66 $19.82 $0 7.55 $2.6
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